Bishop Irenei (Steenberg)
True family is not a creation of human society, nor less of any individual’s or couple’s design. True family is God’s creation, God’s gift.
Archpriest Victor Potapov
The Parish temple is indissolubly linked to the family life of its parishioners. The Orthodox family, in the words of St. Paul, is the “home church.” The parish can be considered a kind of confederacy of all the small churches that are Orthodox households. If an Orthodox family remains closely connected to the church the true spirit of the church naturally pervades it, forming fertile ground for its members’ spiritual growth and development.
Metropolitan Serafim (Joanta) of Germany and Central Europe
Death and the resurrection with Christ are not just a moment we experience in Baptism, but a process that continues throughout our lives. In essence,
St. Seraphim (Chichagov)
That we might not perish, we must cleave with all our heart and all our thoughts to our Lord Jesus Christ, for no one can do anything worthy of salvation if he doesn’t abide in Him.
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Alexei Artemev
The news reached Moscow that moving from the south to the city was Tamerlane's army—the army of an invincible and cruel conqueror. He was literally invincible—throughout his long life, he never suffered a single defeat.