Apostle Andronicus of the Seventy and his fellow laborer St. Junia (1st c.). St. Eudocia, in monasticism Euphrosyne, princess of Moscow (1407).
Martyrs Solochon, Pamphamer, and Pamphalon, soldiers, at Chalcedon (284-305). St. Stephen the New, patriarch of Constantinople (893). St. Andronicus the Gravedigger, monk of the Zverinets Monastery (Kiev) (1096). Translation of the relics of St. Adrian, founder of Ondrusov Monastery (Karelia) (1551). St. Jonah Atamansky, archpriest, of Odessa (1924).
St. Melangell, virgin hermitess, of Pennant, Wales (6th c.). Sts. Nectarius (1550) and Theophanes (1544), of Meteora. Great-martyr Nicholas of Sofia (1555). St. Athanasius the New, bishop and wonderworker of Christianopolis (1735).
Saturday. [Acts 28:1–31; John 21:15–25]
Nobody is lazy in commemorating his own
parents; but it is also necessary to commemorate all
Orthodox Christians, and not only on this day, but at all
times, in every prayer. We ourselves will be there, and
will need this prayer like a poor person needs a piece of
bread and a glass of water. Remember that prayer for those
who have passed away is strong through its communality, in
that it comes from the entire Church. The Church breathes
prayer. Just as it is in nature, when during pregnancy a
mother breathes and the strength she receives from this
breath passes on to the child, so also in the order of
grace, the Church breathes a prayer which is shared by
all, and the power of the prayer passes on to those who
have passed away, held in the bosom of the Church, which
is made up of the living and the dead, the militant and
the triumphant. Do not be lazy—zealously commemorate
all of our departed fathers and brothers whenever you
pray. It will be your alms for them.