ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY Orthodox Calendar 2015
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June 24
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July 7
6th Week after Pentecost. Tone 4.
Fast of the Holy Apostles.
Fish, wine and oil allowed.

Совершается всенощное бдениеNativity of St. John the Baptist.

Martyrs Orentius, Pharnacius, Eros, Firmus, Firminus, Cyriacus, and Longinus, near Lazica (4th c.). St. Anthony, founder of Dymsk Monastery (Novgorod) (1224). Righteous Youths John and James, of Meniugi (Novgorod) (1566-1569). St. Michael, great prince of Tver (1318). St. John, monk, of Yaransk (Solovki) (1561). St. Gerasimus (Dobroserdov), bishop of Astrakhan and Enotaeva (1880).

St. Nicetas, bishop of Remesiana (Bela Palanka) (ca. 414). St. John the Hermit, of Bohemia (904). Translation of the relics of Great-martyr John the New to Suceava, Romania (1492). New Martyr Panagiotes of Caesarea, at Constantinople (1765). St. Athanasius of Paros (1813). Synaxis of the Righteous Zachariah and Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Forerunner (Gr. Cal).