Apodosis of the Transfiguration.
St. Maximus the Confessor (662)
Uncovering of the relics of St. Maximus of Moscow, fool-for-Christ (1547).
St. Tikhon, bishop of Voronezh, wonderworker of Zadonsk (1783).
Martyr Hippolytus of Rome and 18 martyrs with him, including Martyrs Concordia, Irenaeus, and Abundius (258).
New Hieromartyr Seraphim (Zvezdinsky), bishop of Dmitrov (1937).
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Of Minsk” (1500), “Of the Passion” (1641), “Of the Seven Arrows” (Vologda) (1830), and “The Softening of Evil Hearts.”
St. Eudocia the Empress, wife of Theodosius the Younger (460). St. Seridus, abbot, of Gaza (ca. 543). St. Radegunde of Poitiers, nun (587). St. Wigbert, abbot of Hersfeld and English missionary to Germany (ca. 747). Empress Irene, wife of Emperor John II Comnenus (1134). Abba Dorotheus of Gaza (ca. 560-580) (Gr. Cal).
Repose of Valaam Schemamonk Timothy of Mt. Athos (1848).
Friday. [II Cor. 1:12-20; Matt. 22:23-33]
The Lord said of the future life that
people there do not marry and are not given in
marriage—that is, our everyday earthly relationships
will have no place there. It would follow that none of the
norms of earthly life will either. Neither science, nor
art, nor governments, nor anything else will exist. What
will there be? God will be all in all. And since God is
spirit, He unites with the spirit and acts on what is
spiritual, all life there will be a continuous flow of
spiritual movements. There can be only one conclusion
drawn from this: since our goal is the future life, and
what is here is only a preparation for it, then to spend
all the time of one’s life only on what is
appropriate in this life alone and has no relevance to the
future life means to go against our purpose, and to
prepare ourselves for a bitter, most bitter lot. We are
not absolutely required to drop everything; but while
working as much as is necessary for this life, we must
direct our main concern toward preparation for the future
life, trying wherever possible to turn even earthly menial
labour into a means for achieving this goal.