Orthodox Calendar 2019
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Святой равноапостольный царь Константин и равноапостольная царица Елена Икона Божией Матери ''Благодатное Небо'' 42 мученика в Амморее
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Old Style
March 6
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March 19
2nd Week of Great Lent. Tone 1.
Great Lent.
Monastic rule: xerophagy (bread, uncooked fruits and vegetables).

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомThe 42 Martyrs of Ammorium in Phrygia, including Constantine, Aetius, Theophilus, Theodore, Melissenus, Callistus, Basoes, and others (ca. 845). St. Job ( Joshua in schema) of Anzersk Island (Solovki) (1720).

Monk-martyrs Conon and his son Conon, of Iconium (270-275). The uncovering of the Precious Cross and the Precious Nails by Empress St. Helen (326). St. Arcadius, monk, of Cyprus (4th c.) and his disciples Julian and Bulius.

Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos: “Chenstokhov” (Poland) (1st c.) and “Blessed Heaven” (Moscow) (14th c.).

Martyrs Cyriacus and 12 companions, who suffered under Diocletian in Augsburg (ca. 304) St. Fridolin, abbot, enlightener of the Upper Rhine (5th c.-6th c.).

Repose of Helen Kontzevitch, Church writer (1989).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse


And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear (Gen. 4:13). Was it possible to talk like this before the countenance of God, Who is strict of course in righteousness, but is always ready to have mercy upon a sinner who truly repents? Envy obscured sensible thoughts, deliberate transgression hardened his heart, and behold, Cain rudely answers to God Himself: Am I my brother’s keeper? (Gen. 4:9). God wants to soften his stony heart with the hammer of His strict judgement; but Cain does not give in, and locked in his coarseness, he commits himself to the lot which he prepared for himself through his envy and murder. What is amazing is that after this he lived like anyone else: he had children, established a household and maintained earthly relations. Yet the mark of being outcast and of his despair still lay on him. So it is an inner affair, which occurs in the conscience, out of the realization of one’s relation to God, under the influence of burdensome passions, sinful habits, and deeds. Let people heed this now especially! But together with this let people resurrect their belief that there is no sin greater than God’s mercy; however, both time and work are needed to soften the heart. But it is either salvation, or ruin!
