Martyr Christina of Tyre (ca. 300).
Holy Martyrs and Passion-bearers Boris and Gleb of Russia, in holy baptism Romanus and David (1015).
St. Polycarp, archimandrite, of the Kiev Caves (1182). St. Pachomius, abbot, near Vologda (1479). St. Bogolep, child schemamonk, of Cherny Yar, near Astrakhan (1654). St. George (Konissky), archbishop of Mogilev (1795).
New Hiero-confessor John Kalinin, priest, of Olenevka (1951). 17 New Martyrs of Mgarsk Monastery (Poltava): Abbot Ambrose, hieromonks Arcadius, Ioannicius, Jonah, Joseph, Nicanor, Athanasius, Theophan, Serapion, Nicostratus, and Julian, and monks Ioannicius, Herman, Nazarius, Parthenius, Potapius, and Dorymedon (1919).
St. Declan, bishop of Ardmore (Ireland (5th c.). St. Bernulphus, bishop of Utrecht (Neth.) (1054). St. Hilarion of Tvali, Georgia (1041). New Martyr Theophilus of Zakynthos, at Chios (1635). New Martyr Athanasius of Nicaea, at Constantinople (1670). Serbian New Martyrs of Prebilovci (Herzegovina) (1941).
Repose of Blessed Monk Tikhon of Turukhan in Siberia (1682).
Tuesday. [I Cor. 10:5-12; Matt. 16:6-12]
Beware of the leaven of the
Pharisees and of the Sadducees, said the Lord. The
Sadducees are a model of carelessness; the Pharisees
represent people who are outwardly zealous. The former do
nothing, whereas the latter, although they look very busy,
nothing really comes of them. Similar to these are members
of our modern society who are enticed by the ideas of
humanism. You hear them talk only about the good of the
people, but no good ever comes to the people, for it is
all talk and no action. Their humanism is feigned; they
make only the appearance of humaneness, but in reality
they are egoists. Speech does not require
sacrifice—they speak lavishly; but when the matter
touches sacrifices, they retreat. Nowadays almost everyone
is an actor; some show off in front of others as being
zealous for good, and particularly for enlightenment, and
they are all quite satisfied when their own verbal
testimony portrays them as being really this way.
Therefore, as soon as some charitable undertaking comes up
among us, talk is everywhere, but deeds do not come to
fruition. Do not expect sacrifices from them; they have no
need to help others, as long as their affairs are going
well. But it also happens that, without any particular
mental effort over real plans to help their neighbors,
they give alms in order to be left alone. The Lord has
condemned both categories, and has commanded us to be
filled with sincere love for one another, which does not
love to show off.