Saint Ilarion of Tvali (†1041)

Memory 24 July (6 August)

Saint Ilarion of Tvali (Tulashvili) served as abbot of Khakhuli Monastery in southwestern Georgia at the beginning of the 11th century.

In his work The Life of Giorgi of the Holy Mountain, Giorgi the Lesser writes that Venerable Ilarion was outstanding in virtue and celebrated for his sermons and ascetic labors.

St. Ilarion raised the young Giorgi of the Holy Mountain to be a brilliant writer, translator, theologian and patriot. From him Giorgi also received a blessing to enter the monastic life.

According to the chronicle Life of Kartli, St. Ilarion was a famous translator and writer and an eminent theologian.

Eventually St. Ilarion moved from Khakhuli to Tvali Monastery, not far from Antioch, where he remained for the rest of his life. According to the 19th-century historian-iconographer Mikhail Sabinin, St. Ilarion reposed in the year 1041.

Outstanding in virtue and celebrated for thy great spiritual feats, O Holy Ilarion, pray for us unceasingly to Christ our God!

Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze

For further information on the book THE LIVES OF THE GEORGIAN SAINTS by Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze contact St. Herman Press:
St. Herman Press, P.O. Box 70, Platina, CA 96076


See also
Relics of a great Georgian saint, elder Gabriel (Urgebadze), uncovered Relics of a great Georgian saint, elder Gabriel (Urgebadze), uncovered Relics of a great Georgian saint, elder Gabriel (Urgebadze), uncovered Relics of a great Georgian saint, elder Gabriel (Urgebadze), uncovered
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Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze
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