Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos.
Holy and Righteous Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna.
Martyr Severian of Sebaste (320).
St. Joseph, founder of Volokolamsk (Volotsk) Monastery (1515).
Uncovering and translation of the relics of St. Theodosius, archbishop of Chernigov (1896).
St. Theophanes, confessor and faster, of Mt. Diabenos (299). Commemoration of the Third Ecumenical Council (431). Blessed Nicetas the Hidden, of Constantinople (12th c.). St. Onuphrius of Vorona, Moldavia (1789).
New Hieromartyr Zachariah (Lobov), archbishop of Voronezh (1937). New Hieromartyr Andronicus (Surikov), hieromonk, of Moscow (1938)
St. Kieran (Ciaran) of Clonmacnois (Ireland) (ca. 545). St. Omer, bishop of Therouanne (670). St. Joachim, founder of Opochka Monastery (Pskov) (ca. 1550). St. Joachim, monk of the St. Nicholas- Shartomsk Monastery in Suzdal (1625). St. Cyriacus of Tazlau Monastery, Moldavia (1660).
Repose of Elder Joachim of St. Anne’s Skete, Mt. Athos (1950).
Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost. [II Cor. 1:21-2:4;
Matt. 22:1-14]
A king arranges a wedding for his son,
he sends once for those who were bidden, sends twice, but
because of earthly cares they do not come—one was
busy at home, another with business. A new invitation was
made in other spheres, and the wedding chamber was
furnished with guests. Among them was found one not
dressed for a wedding, who was therefore cast out. The
meaning of this parable is clear: The wedding is the
kingdom of heaven, the invitation is the preaching of the
Gospels, those who refused are those who did not believe
at all, and the one who was not dressed for a wedding
believed, but did not live according to faith. Each of us
must figure out for ourselves which category we belong to.
That we are bidden is clear, but are we believers? Indeed
it is possible to even be among believers, under their
common name, and completely lack faith. One does not think
at all about faith, as if it did not exist; another knows
something or other about it and from it, and is satisfied;
another interprets the faith in a distorted way; another
relates to it with complete animosity. All are reckoned to
be among the Christians, although they have absolutely
nothing which is Christian. If you believe, figure out
whether your feelings, or deeds conform to your
faith—these are the garment of the soul, by which
God sees you as dressed for the wedding or not. It is
possible to know the faith well and be zealous for it, but
in actual life to serve the passions, to dress, that is,
in the shameful clothes of a sin-loving soul. Such people
are one way in word, but are another way in the heart. On
their tongue is, “Lord, Lord!” but within they
are saying, “count me out.” (Examine yourself,
whether you be in the faith and wearing the wedding
clothes of the virtues, or wearing the shameful tatters of
sins and passions.
Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost. Sunday Before the
Elevation of the Cross. [Gal. 6:11-18; John 3:13-17]
As Moses lifted up the serpent in
the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up:
That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but
have eternal life. Faith in the Son of God, crucified
in the flesh for our sake—is the power of God unto
salvation, the living source of vivifying moral
aspirations and dispositions, and the receptacle of the
abundant grace of the Holy Spirit which abides always in
the heart, and of secret inspirations in good time, at the
hour of need, sent from above. Faith combines one’s
convictions, attracting God’s good will with power
from above. Both of these are what make up the possession
of eternal life. While this life is kept intact, a
Christian is unyielding, because by cleaving to the Lord
he is one in spirit with the Lord, and nothing can
overcome the Lord. Why do people fall? From weakening of
faith. Christian convictions weaken—and moral energy
weakens as well. While this weakening occurs, grace is
crowded out of the heart, and evil urges raise their head.
An inclination toward these urges comes at a convenient
hour, and there is a fall. Be a watchful guardian of the
faith in everything it encompasses, and you will not fall.
In this sense Saint John says that he who is born of God
does not sin.