Orthodox Calendar 2022
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Поликарп Смирнский Матрона Московская
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February 23
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March 8
1st Week of Great Lent. Tone 4.
Great Lent.
Monastic rule: xerophagy (bread, uncooked fruits and vegetables).

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомHieromartyr Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna (167). Finding of the Relics of St. Matrona of Moscow (1998)

St. Alexander, founder of the Monastery of the Unsleeping Ones, Constantinople (ca. 430). Sts. John, Antioch, Antoninus, Moses, Zebinas, Polychronius, Moses (another), and Damian, ascetics near Cyrrhus (5th c.). St. Polycarp, monk, of Bryansk (1620-1621). St. Nazarius, abbot of Valaam Monastery (1809). St. Seraphim (Zenobius), schema-metropolitan of Tetritskaro, Georgia, monk of Glinsk Monastery (1985).

New Hieromartyr Michael Edlinsky, archpriest, of Kiev (1938). New Hieromartyr Nicholas Dmitrov, archpriest, of Zavidovo (Tver) (1938).

Virgin-martyr Martha at Astorga (Spain) (251). 73 Martyrs of Sirmium under Diocletian (303). St. Gorgonia (372), sister of St. Gregory the Theologian. Martyrs Syncrotas, Antigonus, Rutilus, Libius, Senerotas and Rogatianus, at Sirmium (4th c.). St. Florentius, confessor, of Seville (ca. 485). St. Felix, bishop of Brescia (ca. 650). St. Jurmin, prince, of East Anglia (653). St. Mildburga, abbess of Wenlock (715). St. Boswell (Boisil), abbot, of Melrose (ca. 661). St. John Theristes (the Harvester) of Stylos in Calabria (11th c.). St. Damian of Esphigmenou, Mt. Athos (1280). St. Cosmas of Zographou, Mt. Athos (1281). St. Moses, monk of White Lake (1480). New Monk-martyr Damian of Philotheou and Kissavos, at Larissa (1568). New Hieromartyr Lazarus of the Peloponnese (ca. 1618).

Repose of Archimandrite Agapit (Belovidov) of Optina Monastery (1922) and Elder Sabbas (Stavrobouniotes) of Cyprus (1985).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse


The suggested readings are about the creation, the original state of the fall and the promise of salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ. Take heed and learn! Now is the time for your re-creation. Embrace the Lord, and He will give you light which will enlighten your sinful darkness; He will set a firmament amidst your restless thoughts and the desires of your sin-loving heart—the good intention to firmly and steadfastly work for Him. He will establish dry land and the sea, and will give everything its place within you. Then you will begin to bring forth first herb, grass and trees—the first fruits of the virtues, and then living creatures—perfect spiritual and God-pleasing works; until at last the image and likeness of God is restored in you, as you were created in the beginning (cf. Gen. 1–26). All of this will the Lord create for you in these six days of spiritual creation, which is your preparation for Holy Communion,[1] if you will pass this time with attention, reverence and contrition of heart.

[1] In St. Theophan’s time it was a widespread custom in Russia for people to spend the first week of Great Lent preparing to receive Holy Communion on Saturday. This preparation, in Russian called govenie, involved fasting, attending Divine Services, reading prayers (including canons, akathists, etc.), doing prostrations and engaging in other spiritual activities, instead of going to work. On the Friday of the first week of Lent, people would go to confession. Thus, when St. Theophan mentions the “six days of spiritual creation,” he refers to these first six days of Lent which were a preparation for Holy Communion on St. Theodore’s Saturday.


Hieromartyr Polycarp the Bishop of Smyrna

Saint Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, who was “fruitful in every good work” (Col. 1:10), was born in the first century, and lived in Smyrna in Asia Minor.

The Life of Blessed Matrona of Moscow

Matrona acquired spiritual discernment, vision, wonderworking and healing at an early age. Her family and neighbours noticed that she knew not only about people’s sins and crimes but their thoughts as well. She saw the coming of dangers and social catastrophes. Her prayer healed the sick and comforted the suffering.

St Alexander the Founder of the Monastery of the “Unsleeping Ones”

Saint Alexander, Founder of the Monastery of the “Unsleeping Ones,” was born in Asia and received his education at Constantinople. He spent some time in military service but, sensing a call to other service, he left the world and accepted monastic tonsure in one of the Syrian wilderness monasteries near Antioch, under the guidance of igumen Elias.

Venerable John, Ascetic of the Syrian Deserts

Saint John, disciple of Saint Limnaeus, lived in Syria in the fifth century, and chose for himself the ascetic struggle of “a shelterless life.”

Sts Antiochus and Antoninus, Ascetics of the Syrian Deserts

Sts Antiochus and Antoninus also lived in asceticism with Saint John.

Venerable Moses, Ascetic of the Syrian Deserts

Saint Moses lived in Syria in the fifth century. Imitating Saint John, he settled on a high mountain near the village of Rama.

Venerable Zebinas, Ascetic of the Syrian Deserts

Saint Zebinas lived in Syria during the fifth century.

Venerable Polychronius, Ascetic of the Syrian Deserts

Saint Polychronius lived in Syria in the fifth century.

Venerable Damian, Ascetic of the Syrian Deserts

He withdrew to a monastery named Ieros and lived there in asceticism.

Venerable Polycarp of Briansk

In 1591 he was named voevod at Tiumen, but after several years he left the world, settled at Briansk and received monastic tonsure with the name Polycarp.

"A Theologian by Virtue of Thy Life in God"—St. Nazarius of Valaam

Deacon Aaron Taylor

St. Nazarius was first and foremost a solitary ascetic and afterwards a father of monks. When he re-established Valaam, he took care to reintroduce all three modes of monastic life: coenobitism, the skete life, and anchoretism. According to his Life, “He began the building of the Great Skete in the woods beyond the Monastery enclosure as well as other sketes, and encouraged anchorites—making himself the first example of eremitic life.” As a “monk’s monk,” St. Nazarius was different from many of the famous elders of subsequent decades.

A Church of God Can Never Be Empty. How Abbot Nazarius of Valaam Saved a Parish

Touched to the heart by the just words of Fr. Nazarius, the priest replied: “Help me, О Elder, and instruct me. I will try to do what you advise.” Fr. Nazarius said: “Very well; now let us go to God’s temple. Order the bell to be sounded for the Vigil and the Reader to prepare for the All- night service. And Fr. Ilarion and I will help you.”

St. Gorgonia, sister of St. Gregory the Theologian

Saint Gorgonia, the sister of Saint Gregory the Theologian, was distinguished for her great virtue, piety, meekness, sagacity, and toil.

Venerable Damian of Esphigmenou of Mt Athos

Known for his ascetic life and for the miracles he performed, he was truly obedient and kept the injunctions of the Fathers.

Monkmartyr Damian of Philotheou

After three years, he heard a voice telling him to go forth and teach. He obeyed these instructions, preaching in many areas of Greece.