Orthodox Calendar 2022
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Обретение Честного креста и гвоздей св. равноапостольной царицею Еленою Икона Божией Матери Ченстоховская Преподобномученик Конон Иконийский
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March 6
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March 19
2nd Week of Great Lent. Second Saturday of Great Lent. Commemoration of the Dead. Tone 5.
Great Lent.
Wine and oil allowed.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомThe 42 Martyrs of Ammorium in Phrygia, including Constantine, Aetius, Theophilus, Theodore, Melissenus, Callistus, Basoes, and others (ca. 845). St. Job ( Joshua in schema) of Anzersk Island (Solovki) (1720).

Monk-martyrs Conon and his son Conon, of Iconium (270-275). The uncovering of the Precious Cross and the Precious Nails by Empress St. Helen (326). St. Arcadius, monk, of Cyprus (4th c.) and his disciples Julian and Bulius. St. Fridolin, abbot, enlightener of the Upper Rhine (5th c.-6th c.).

Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos: “Chenstokhov” (Poland) and “Blessed Heaven” (Moscow) (14th c.).

Martyrs Cyriacus and 12 companions, who suffered under Diocletian in Augsburg (ca. 304)

Repose of Helen Kontzevitch, Church writer (1989).
