Orthodox Calendar 2023
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Прп. Севастиан Карагандинский Икона Божией Матери Касперовская Равноап. Мефодий архиеп. Моравский
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Old Style
April 6
New Style
April 19
Bright Week. Fast-free period.
No fast.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Eutychius, patriarch of Constantinople (582).

Hieromartyr Archilias, priest, and Martyr Jeremiah, of Rome (3rd c.). St. Platonida (Platonis) of Nisibis (308). 120 Martyrs of Persia (344-347). St. Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, archbishop of Moravia and enlightener of the Slavs (885). Synaxis of the Holy Fathers of Mt. Sinai.

New Hiero-confessor Sebastian (Fomin), archimandrite, of Optina and Karaganda (1966).

“Kasperov” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (16th c.).

St. Gregory (Drimys) of the Great Lavra on Mt. Athos (1326), instructor of St. Gregory Palamas. St. Gregory of Sinai (Mt. Athos) (1346). New Martyr Nicholas the Deacon, of Mytilene (1463). New Hieromartyr Gennadius of Dionysiou, Mt. Athos, at Constantinople (1818). New Martyrs Manuel, Theodore, George, Michael, and another George, of Samothrace, at Makri in Thrace (1835). St. Martyrius, monk of Glinsk Hermitage (1865).

Repose of Hieromonk Arsenius of Valaam (1853), Elder Mardarius of the Nizhni-Novgorod Caves Monastery (1859), and Archimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin) of Rakitin (1982).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Wednesday. [Acts 2:22–36; John 1:35–51]

   The mind can prove the truth of the Resurrection through reason based on the scriptures, and a non-believer cannot but admit the power of its arguments, as long as a sense of truth is not yet dead in him. A believer does not need proof, because the Church of God is filled with the light of the Resurrection. Both of these indicators of truth are faithful and convincing. But counter-reasoning can spring up and contradict mind’s reason, and faith can be trampled and shaken by perplexities and doubts, coming from without and arising within. Is there no invincible wall around the truth of the Resurrection? There is. It will occur when the power of the Resurrection, received already at baptism, begins to actively be revealed as it purges the corruption of soul and body, and establishes within them the beginnings of a new life. He who experiences this will walk in the light of the Resurrection, and anyone talking against the truth of the Resurrection will seem to him insane, like a person saying in the daytime that it is night.
