Orthodox Calendar 2023
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Великомученик Феодор Стратилат Икона Божией Матери Ярославская Свв. блгвв. кнн. Василий и Константин Ярославские
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June 8
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June 21
3rd Week after Pentecost. Tone 1.
Fast of the Holy Apostles.
Monastic rule: xerophagy (bread, uncooked fruits and vegetables).

Совершается служба на шестьTranslation of the relics of Great-martyr Theodore Stratelates (“the General”), of Heraclea (319).

St. Ephraim, patriarch of Antioch (545). St. Zosimas, monk, of Phoenicia (Syria) (6th c.). St. Theodore, bishop of Rostov and Suzdal (ca. 1023). Uncovering of the relics of Sts. Basil and Constantine, princes of Yaroslavl (1501).

Yaroslavl Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (13th c.).

Martyr Calliope, at Rome (ca. 250). Martyrs Nicander and Marcian, at Dorostolum in Moesia (303). St. Naucratius, brother of St. Basil the Great (4th c.). St. Melania the Elder, of Palladius’ Lausiac History (410). St. Atre (Athre) of Nitria (Egypt) (5th c.). St. Medardus, bishop of Noyon (Neth.) (560). St. Chlodulf (Cloud), bishop of Metz (696). St. Paul the Confessor, of Kaiuma Monastery in Constantinople (766). New Martyr Theophanes at Constantinople (1588). New Hieromartyr Theodore, priest, of Kvelta, Georgia (1609). Synaxis of the Church of the Cross at Mtskheta, Georgia.

Repose of lay elder Theodore (Sokolov) of White Lake (1973).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Wednesday. [Rom. 8:2-13; Matt. 10:16-22]

   He that endureth to the end shall be saved. And do we have anything to endure? In this nobody is lacking. Everyone’s arena of endurance is vast; therefore our salvation is at hand. Endure everything to the end and you will be saved. However, you must endure skillfully; otherwise you may not gain anything by your endurance. First of all, keep the holy faith and lead an irreproachable life according to faith; immediately cleanse every sin that occurs with repentance. Secondly, accept everything that you must endure as from the hands of God, remembering firmly that nothing happens without God’s will. Thirdly, give thanks sincerely to God for everything, believing that everything which proceeds from the Lord is sent by Him unto the good of our souls—thank Him for sorrows, and for consolations. Fourth, love sorrow for its great saving worth and cultivate your thirst for it, like a drink which although bitter, is healing. Fifth, keep in your thoughts that when a misfortune has come, you cannot throw it off like tight clothes; you must bear it. Whether in a Christian way, or in a non-Christian way, you must bear it nonetheless; so it is better to bear it in a Christian way. Complaining will not rescue you from misfortune, but only make it heavier; whereas humble submission to God’s Providence and good humour relieve the burden of misfortunes. Sixth, realize that you deserve even a greater misfortune—realize that if the Lord wanted to deal with you as you rightly deserve, would such a small misfortune really be enough? Seventh, most of all, pray, and the merciful Lord will give you strength of spirit. With such strength, others will marvel at your misfortunes which seem like nothing to you.


Greatmartyr Theodore Stratelates “the General”

The Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates came from the city of Euchaita in Asia Minor. He was endowed with many talents, and was handsome in appearance. For his charity God enlightened him with the knowledge of Christian truth.

St. Ephraim the Patriarch of Antioch

Saint Ephraim, Patriarch of Antioch, a Syrian, was a military general under the emperors Anastasius (491-518) and Justin (518-527). The saint was distinguished for his virtue, piety, and compassion for all the destitute.

Venerable Zosimus of Phoenicia, Syria

Saint Zosimus of Phoenicia was born in the Syrian village of Synda, near the city of Tyre. He accepted monasticism and was zealous in his fasting, prayer, labors and other virtues.

Right-believing Prince Basil of Yaroslavl

Right-believing Prince Constantine of Yaroslavl

In their youth they lost their father, Vsevolod, who fell in battle with the Tatars (Mongols). St Basil, the elder brother, succeeded to the throne.

Icon of the Mother of God of Yaroslavl

The Yaroslavl Icon of the Mother of God Little is known of this, one of the earliest Russian icons, except that it belonged to the holy Princes Basil and Constantine (July 3).

Holy Hieromartyr Tevdore (†1609)

Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze

Saint Tevdore was a simple priest who labored in the 16th century in the village of Kvelta. At that time the Ottoman Empire and Persia were locked in a bitter feud over control of the Near East. At the beginning of 1609 the Ottomans conquered first the city of Baghdadi, then part of Samtskhe in southern Georgia. In June of that year they launched an attack on eastern Georgia.