Orthodox Calendar 2023
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Св. праведный Алексий Московский Кирилл Александрийский Прп. Кирилл Белоезерский
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Old Style
June 9
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June 22
3rd Week after Pentecost. Tone 1.
Fast of the Holy Apostles.
Fish, wine and oil allowed.

Совершается служба на шестьSt. Cyril, archbishop of Alexandria (444). St. Alexis Mechev, archpriest, of Moscow (1923). Совершается служба со славословиемSt. Cyril, founder of White Lake (Belozersk) Monastery (1427).

Nun-martyrs Thecla, Mariamne, Martha, Mary, and Enmatha, in Persia (346). St. Alexander, founder of the Kushta Monastery (Vologda) (1439). Righteous Cyril of Velsk, or Vazhe (Vologda) (15th c.).

St. Raphael, monk of Old Agapia Monastery (Moldavia) (2005).

Hieromartyr Alexander, bishop of Prusa. St. John of Shavta, bishop of Gaenati (12th-13th c.). St. Columba of Iona (597). St. Baithene, abbot, of Tiree and Iona (600).

Repose of Hieromonk Vitaly of Valaam (1856).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Thursday. [Rom. 8:22-27; Matt. 10:23-31]

   There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. Consequently, regardless of how we hide in our sins now, it is of no use to us at all. The time will come—and is it far off?—when all will come to light. What should we do? Do not hide. If you have sinned—go and reveal your sin to your spiritual father. When you receive absolution, the sin vanishes, as if it never was. Nothing will have to be revealed and shown. If you hide the sin and do not repent, you keep it in yourself, so that there will be something to come to light at the proper time unto your accusation. God revealed all of this to us in advance, so that while still here we will manage to disarm His righteous and terrible judgment upon us sinners.


St. Cyril the Archbishop of Alexandria

St Cyril was the nephew of Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria, who educated him from his youth.

A Pastoral Conscience – Archpriest Alexey Mechev of Moscow

"Come to the grave of this great pastor, a pastor of the Russian Church, and learn from him how to be a pastor ill the world..."

Venerable Cyril the Abbot of White Lake

Saint Cyril, Igumen of White Lake, (in the world Cosmas) was born in Moscow of pious parents. In his youth he was left an orphan and lived with his kinsman, the boyar (nobleman) Timothy Vasil’evich Vel’yaminov, in the surroundings of the court of the Great Prince Demetrius Donskoy (1363-1389).

Five Nuns beheaded in Persia: Martyrs Thecla, Mariamne, Martha, Mary, and Ennatha

When they learned that the priest Paul was rich, the Persians threatened to kill him and the five virgins if he did not deny Christ and give them some of his treasure.

Venerable Alexander the Abbot of Kushta, Vologda

Saint Alexander, Hegoumen of Kushta Monastery in Vologda, was born about the year 1371, and his name in the world was Alexei.

Venerable Ioane of Shavta, Bishop of Gaenati, and Evlogi the Prophet and Fool-for-Christ (13th century)

Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze

The great Georgian hymnographer, philosopher, and orator St. Ioane of Shavta labored in the 12th and 13th centuries, during the reign of the holy queen Tamar. Few details of his life have been preserved, but we know that he received his education at Gelati Academy, where he studied theology, ancient and Arabic history, philosophy, and literature. He was later tonsured a monk and labored at Vardzia Monastery.

Venerable Columba of Iona, Wonderworker

Dmitry Lapa

The founder of the great and famous monastery on Iona along with numerous other monastic communities and churches, St. Columba has for fourteen centuries been greatly venerated by many Christians as the enlightener of Scotland, a co-patron of Ireland and the spiritual father of a host of churches throughout Europe.