Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Валентина Палестинская Сщмч. Харалампий еп. Магнезийский Святая благоверная княгиня Новгородская Анна
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February 10
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February 23
38th Week after Pentecost. Tone 4.
Fast Day.
Fish, wine and oil allowed.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомHieromartyr Charalampus, bishop of Magnesia in Asia Minor, and Martyrs Porphyrius and Baptus (202).

Martyrs Ennatha, Valentina, and Paula, of Palestine (308). St. Anna of Novgorod (1050). St. Prochorus of the Kiev Caves (1107). St. Longinus, founder of Koryazhemka Monastery (Vologda) (1540). St. Raphael, archimandrite (1765), and St. Ioannicius, hieromonk (1882), of Svatogorsk Monastery. Synaxis of Novgorod Hierarchs: Sts. Joachim (1030), Luke the Jew (1060), Germanus (1095), Arcadius (1162), Gregory (1193), Martyrius (1199), Anthony (1231), Basil (1352), Moses (1362), Symeon (1421), Gennadius (1504), Pimen (1571), and Athonius (1653).

Areovindus” (“Fiery Vision”) Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

St. Scholastica of Italy (543), sister of St. Benedict of Nursia. St. Anastasius II, patriarch of Jerusalem (706). St. John Chimchimeli of Bachkovo and Gremi (13th c.).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Friday. [II Pet. 1:1–10; Mark 13:1–8]

Having enumerated the virtues which we must seek with all diligence, having received grace-filled power, the Apostle says by way of encouragement, If these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (II Pet. 1:8). The virtues to which he refers here were mentioned in I Pet. 2:21–3:9. Now we shall add only that we are required to manifest these virtues not just once, but rather to make them always abide in us, to be part of our essence, to take root in us. Thus, they must not remain on one level, but ever multiply and grow in strength and fruitfulness. Only then, he says, will you not be barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (II Pet. 1:8). He who believes in Him and confesses Him enters into the knowledge of the Lord. “You believe?” says the Apostle! See then, that your faith be not barren and unfruitful. What should I do, so that my faith will not be that way? Prosper in every virtue. Where are those who repeat over and over that believing is enough: that nothing more is needed?! Whoever thinks this way is blind.


Hieromartyr Charalampus (Haralambos) the Bishop of Magnesia in Thessaly

Despite the bishop’s advanced age (he was 113 years old), he was subjected to monstrous tortures.

Martyr Porphyrius in Thessaly

Saint Porphyrius was a soldier who suffered martyrdom with Saints Charalampus, Bishop of Magnesia,

Martyr Baptus in Thessaly

Saint Baptus was a soldier who suffered martyrdom with Saints Charalampus, Bishop of Magnesia, Porphyrius, and three women in the year 202.

Martyrs Ennatha, Valentina, and Paula, of Palestine

The Holy Virgin Martyrs Ennatha, Valentina and Paula suffered in the year 308 under the emperor Maximian II Galerius (305-311).

Princess Anna of Novgorod

The Holy Princess Anna of Novgorod, wife of Great Prince Yaroslav the Wise, gave her children a true Christian upbringing, marked by a strong faith in God, love of work, integrity and learning.

Right-Believing Princess Anna of Novgorod

She was a true daughter of Scandinavia of the era of the Vikings and so from her earliest days, she enjoyed great freedom, took part in the public life of her homeland, traveled, received guests, and was a master of using arms.

Orthodoxy in Scandinavia

Matthew Hartley

Great courage and perseverance were called for in the evangelization of those lands, and God raised up saints more than equal to the challenge.

Venerable Prochorus of the Kiev Near Caves

He was a great ascetic of strict temperance. In place of bread he ate pigweed (or orach), and so he was called “pigweed-eater.” Every summer, he gathered pigweed and made enough bread from it to last him for a whole year.

Venerable Longinus of Koryazhemsk, Vologda

Saint Longinus of Koryazhemsk first pursued asceticism at the monastery of Saint Paul of Obnora, and then lived at the Saints Boris and Gleb Solvychegod monastery.

Synaxis of the Hierarchs of Novgorod, Buried in the Cathedral of the Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia) in Novgorod

On October 4, 1439 Saint John (September 7) appeared to the presiding hierarch Saint Euthymius (March 11) and ordered him to serve a special panikhida in memory of those buried at the Sophia cathedral (the Russian princes and Archbishops of Novgorod, and all Orthodox Christians) on the Feast of the Hieromartyr Hierotheus, first Bishop of Athens.

Icon of the Mother of God “Areovindus”

The origins of this unusual icon, in which the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted without Christ, are unknown.

St. John Chimchimeli the Philosopher

Little information about the life of Saint John of Chimchimeli has been preserved, but we know that he was a great translator, philosopher, and defender of the Georgian Christian Faith.