Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Онуфрий Великий и Петр Афонский Преподобный Арсений Коневский Преподобная Анна Кашинская
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June 25
First Week after Pentecost (Fast-free period). Tone 7.
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Совершается служба на шестьSt. Onuphrius the Great (4th c.). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Peter of Mt. Athos (734).

Sts. John, Andrew, Heraclemon, and Theophilus, hermits, of Egypt (4th c.). St. Arsenius, founder of Konevits Monastery (1447). St. Onuphrius, founder of Malsk Monastery (Pskov) (1492). Sts. Onuphrius and Auxentius, monks, of Vologda (15th c.-16th c). St. Stephen of Komel, founder of Ozersk Monastery (Vologda) (1542). Sts. Jonah and Bassian, monks, of Pertoma (Solovki) (1561). First (1650) and second (1909) glorifications of St. Anna, princess of Kashin (Euphrosyne in monasticism). St. Onuphrius, founder of Katrom Monastery (Vologda) (16th c). Uncovering of the relics of St. John of Moscow, fool-for-Christ (1672).

Miracle-working icons of the Theotokos and St. Onuphrius at St. Onuphrius Monastery (Poland). Valaam Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

St. Amphianus, bishop and confessor, in Cilicia (ca. 310). St. Olympius, bishop and confessor, in Thrace (4th c.). St. Timothy the Hermit, of Egypt (4th c.). Virgin-martyr Cunera of Rhenen (Neth.) (451). St. Julian of the Dagouta Church in Constantinople. St. John the Soldier, of Egypt (6th c.-7th c.). St. John (Tornicus) of Mt. Athos and Georgia (998). Synaxis of the Saints of St. Onuphrius Monastery at Jablechna (Poland). St. Triphyllius, bishop of Leucosia [Nicosia] on Cyprus (370). St. Nicephorus (Cantacuzene), archdeacon, of Constantinople, who suffered under the Uniates in Marienburg, Galicia (1599).

Repose of Elder Peter of Katounakia, Mt. Athos (1867), and Blessed Hermit Philaretus of Mt. Athos (1961).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Tuesday. [Rom. 1:1–7, 13–17; Matt. 4:25–5:13]

After the Lord’s baptism, when the Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove, He was brought down into the wilderness to be tempted. Such is the path common to all. Saint Issac the Syrian notes in one place that as soon as you taste grace-filled consolation, or receive some gift from the Lord—await temptations. Temptations conceal the brightness of grace from one’s own eyes which usually consume every good with self-opinion and self-exultation. These temptations are sometimes external—sorrows, humiliation; and internal—passionate thoughts, which purposely are released, like beasts unchained. Therefore, we must heed ourselves and strictly sort out what occurs with us and in us, to see why it is happening, and what obligations it brings.


Venerable Onuphrius the Great

Saint Paphnutius, who led an ascetical life in the Thebaid desert in Egypt, has left us an account of Saint Onuphrius the Great and the Lives of other fourth century hermits: Timothy the Desert Dweller, the abbas Andrew, Charalampus, Theophilus, and others.

Venerable Peter of Mt. Athos

Saint Peter of Athos, a Greek by birth, served as a soldier in the imperial armies and he lived at Constantinople. In the year 667, during a war with the Syrians, Saint Peter was taken captive and locked up in a fortress in the city of Samara on the Euphrates River.

Venerable John the Hermit of Egypt

Saint John the Hermit lived in Egypt in the fourth century, and is mentioned in the Life of Saint Onuphrius.

Venerable Andrew the Hermit of Egypt

Saint Andrew lived in Egypt in the fourth century, and is mentioned in the Life of Saint Onuphrius.

Venerable Heraclemon the Hermit of Egypt

Saint Heraclemon lived in Egypt in the fourth century, and is mentioned in the Life of Saint Onuphrius.

Venerable Theophilus the Hermit of Egypt

Saint Theophilus lived in Egypt in the fourth century, and is mentioned in the Life of Saint Onuphrius.

Venerable Onuphrius the Abbot of Malsk, Pskov

Saint Onuphrius of Mala and Pskov [Izborsk] founded a monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Mother of God at Mala, four versts from Izborsk and 56 versts from Pskov.

St. Anna of Kashin, and the times of her childhood

These examples of “passion” for the Faith, for truth, and sanctity touched also Anna’s young soul. It seems that providence even then began to prepare her for suffering, disturbing her heart and soul with images of tortured princes.The mystery of sanctity also touched Anna’s soul at an early age.

The Holy Right-Believing Princess Anna of Kashin

Vladimir Basenkov

Though she became famous for her miracles after her blessed repose, it was not until much later that the holy princess was vouchsafed universal Church veneration.

Blessed John, Fool-for-Christ of Moscow

John feared God alone, and spoke the truth to every person no matter how highly placed. Even to Tsar Boris Gudunov he would often repeat the words: “You, with your smart head in the air, take a look at God’s affairs. God has a lot of patience first, but when He beats, it really hurts.”

Blessed John of Moscow the Fool-For-Christ

Blessed John, Fool-for-Christ, Wonderworker of Moscow, was born on the outskirts of Vologda. In his youth he toiled at a saltworks, where he was a water-carrier.

Venerable Ioane-Tornike of Mt. Athos (10th century)

Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze

Tornike Eristavi (later Ioane of Mt. Athos) was a Georgian army commander famed for his victories in war and a favorite of King Davit Kuropalates. Eventually he abandoned his worldly glory and set off in search of his spiritual father, St. Ioane, on Mt. Olympus. There he learned that St. Ioane had moved to Mt. Athos, so he journeyed there and settled with him in a monastery headed by St. Athanasius the Athonite. He was tonsured a monk and given the new name Ioane.