Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Петр царевич Ордынский Собор славных и всехвальных 12-ти апостолов Святитель Софроний, епископ Иркутский
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Old Style
June 30
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July 13
3rd Week after Pentecost. Tone 1.
No fast.

Совершается служба со славословиемSynaxis of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Twelve Apostles: Peter, Andrew, James and John the sons of Zebedee, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Jude the brother of James, Simon the Zealot, and Matthias.

St. Peter, prince of the Tatar Horde, wonderworker of Rostov (1290). Glorification of St. Sophronius, bishop of Irkutsk (1918). St. Andrew, prince of Bogoliubovo (1174). St. Stephen of Omsk (1877).

New Hieromartyrs Nicandor (Prusak), hieromonk of Tolga Monastery (Yaroslavl) (1918) and Theogenes (Kozyrev), archimandrite, of Chimkent (Kazakhstan) (1939).

Icon of the Mother of God of Balikin (1711).

Martyr Basilides the Soldier, at Alexandria (202). St. Martial, bishop of Limoges (3rd c.). St. Erentrude, abbess of Nonnberg Monastery, Salzburg (ca. 718). St. Dinara, queen of Khereti, Georgia (10th c.). St. Gelasius of Rimet (Transylvania) (14th c.). New Martyr Michael Paknanas the Gardener, of Athens (1770). New Hieromartyr Milan Popovic, priest, of Rmanj (1940s). New Martyr Alexander (Schmorell) of Munich (1943). Martyr Peter of Sinope.

Repose of Bishop Nestor (Zass) of the Aleutians and Alaska (1882).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Saturday. [Rom. 3:28-4:3; Matt. 7:24-8:4]

   The present Gospel reading says that one who hears the sayings of the Lord and does them is like one who builds a house upon a rock; but one who hears them and does not do them is like one who builds a house upon the sand. Everyone should learn this by heart and repeat it often; the truth contained in it is graphically clear and anyone can understand it. Everyone has had many experiences of this. Take your thoughts, for example. While you are thinking about something, they are unstable and restless, but when you write them down, they become solid and fixed. The outcome of any project is unsure and its details can change many times before it is begun; yet any further cogitation ceases once you have set it in motion. In this manner, moral rules are alien to us when not fulfilled, they are outside of us and shaky. But when we fulfil them, they enter within, settle in the heart and form the basis of our character—good or evil. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise (Eph. 5:15).


Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Twelve Apostles

The Synaxis of the Glorious and All-Praiseworthy Twelve Apostles of Christ appears to be an ancient Feast.

St. Peter, Tsarevich of the Horde (1290)

One day, after the holy hierarch Kirill had reposed, Peter fell asleep on the shore of the lake after a hunt. He had an amazing dream: two men shining with an unearthly light woke him and said, “Peter, your prayer has been heard, and your almsgiving has risen to God.”

St Peter the Prince of Ordinsk, Rostov

Saint Peter, Prince of the Horde, was the nephew of Bergai Khan of the Golden Horde.

Translation of the relics of St Sophronius the Bishop of Irkutsk

Saint Sophronius, Bishop of Irkutsk and All Siberia, reposed on March 30, 1771, the second day of Holy Pascha. While they awaited a decision of the Holy Synod concerning the burial, his body remained unburied for six months, and during this time it was not subject to decay.

St. Sophronius the Bishop of Irkutsk

On the night after his monastic tonsure, Saint Sophronius heard a Voice in the Protection church predicting his future service: “When you become bishop, build a church dedicated to All Saints.”

St. Sophronius the Wonderworker, Bishop of Irkutsk and All Siberia

Holy Hierarch Sophrony recognized that his calling to Apostolic service in that land required more than education of the faithful Christians; it also meant that he had to bring to the Faith the idol worshipers, of whom there was a great number in Siberia.

Icon of the Mother of God of Balikin

The Balikin Icon of the Mother of God is from the Chernigov Province. The child Christ is clothed only around the waist, and rests in His Mother’s arms. The hands of the Theotokos are joined in prayer.

Holy Queen Dinar (10th century)

Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze

The Russian Church has preserved chronicles of the life of Queen Dinar, a woman who achieved much on behalf of the Christian Faith. For years scholars have disputed about the historical figure discussed in great depth in the Russian Church. Many believed that the sources described Holy Queen Tamar, but the period of Tamar’s rule does not match that of the figure described in the chronicles.

Holy Queen Dinar

The Russian Church has preserved chronicles of the life of Queen Dinar, a woman who achieved much on behalf of the Christian Faith.

St Gelasius of Rimet

Saint Gelasius was the igumen of the Rimet Monastery in Transylvania. He had lived as a solitary near Rimet creek, and he was granted the grace of working miracles.