Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Twelve Apostles

The Synaxis of the Glorious and All-Praiseworthy Twelve Apostles of Christ appears to be an ancient Feast. The Church honors each of the Twelve Apostles on separate dates during the year, and has established a general commemoration for all of them on the day after the commemoration of the Glorious and First-Ranked among the Apostles Peter and Paul.

The holy God-crowned Emperor Constantine the Great (May 21) built a church in Constantinople in honor of the Twelve Apostles. There are instructions for celebrating this Feast which date from the fourth century.

For lists of the Apostles’ names, see: Mt.10:2, Mark 3:14, Luke 6:12, Acts 1:13, 26.

Troparion — Tone 4

Note: The troparion for June 30 is the same as June 29.

Kontakion — Tone 2

Podoben: “Seeking the highest...” / Today Christ the Rock glorifies with highest honor / Peter, the rock of faith and leader of the apostles, / together with Paul and the company of the twelve, / whose memory we celebrate with eagerness of faith, / giving glory to the One Who gave glory to them.

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