Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Киево-Братская икона Божией Матери Чудо Архистратига Михаила в Хонех
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Old Style
September 6
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September 19
13th Week after Pentecost. Tone 3.
No fast.

Совершается служба на шестьCommemoration of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael at Colossae (Chonae) (4th c.). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомMartyr Eudoxius, and with him Martyrs Zeno, Macarius, and 1,104 soldiers, in Melitene (311-312).

Martyrs Romulus and 11,000 others, in Armenia (ca. 107-115). St. Archippus of Hierapolis (4th c.). Martyrs Cyriacus, Faustus, Abibus, and 11 others, at Alexandria (250). Hieromartyr Cyril, bishop of Gortyna on Crete (ca. 303). St. David of Hermopolis in Egypt (6th c.).

Icon of the Mother of God of Kiev-Bratsk (1654). Icon of the Mother of God Arapet (Arabian).

Martyrs Calodote, Macarius, Andrew, Cyriacus, Dionysius, Andrew the Soldier, Andropelagia, Thecla, Theoctistus, and Sarapabon the Senator, in Egypt (256). St. Beya, virgin, first abbess of Copeland in Cumbria (7th c.). St. Magnus of Fussen, enlightener of the Allgau region of Germany (750-772).

Repose of Ivan Yakovlevich Koreisha, fool-for-Christ, of Moscow (1861), and Archimandrite Paisius the New, of Mt. Athos (1871).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Thursday. [II Cor. 10:7-18; Mark 3:28-35]

   He that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness. Does it take long to fall into this terrible sin? Not long at all, for behold the sins of this nature: “great or excessive hope in God’s grace; despair or lack of hope in God’s compassion; contradicting manifest and confirmed truth, and rejection of the Orthodox Christian faith. Some add to this jealousy over spiritual gifts which a close one receives from God; obstinacy in sin and chronic wickedness; carelessness about repentance before departure from this life” (Orthodox Confession part 3, question 38). See how many paths! Begin to walk any of these and it will be difficult to return; it will carry you to a devouring abyss. Opposition to the truth begins with small doubts, arising through evil words or writing. If you leave them without paying attention to them or treating them, they will lead to unbelief and obstinacy in it. People also reach despair unnoticeably: “I will repent,” they say, and then sin. Thus it goes on several times; then, seeing that repentance does not come, they say to themselves, “So let it be, you cannot control yourself,” and then give themselves over to sin in its full power. A chasm of sins gathers; and at the same time they tolerate a chasm of opposition to the obvious calling of God’s grace. When in such a condition a person comes to the thought of improving himself, the multitude of his sins restrains him, while his opposition to grace takes away his boldness to approach the Lord. He then decides, “My guilt is too great to have it be remitted.” This is despair! Beware of the rudiments of unbelief and love of sin, and you will not fall into this chasm.


Homily on the Day of Archangel Michael

Metropolitan Platon (Levshin)

We possess the qualities of creatures both material and immaterial, and I can say that although the Creator has given us the greater ascetic struggle because of these nearly opposite natures, we are nevertheless obliged to preserve a precise balance between them, so that by observing what is natural to the body we do not violate the demands of the soul; and by protecting the soul’s privilege, we do not neglect the needs of the body.

The Archangel Michael Operated On Me!

Archimandrite Daniel Sapikas

Through a cloud I watched and listened to what was happening in the operating room, and the suffering was great. As a physician, I understood very well how critical my condition was.

Feast of St. Archangel Michael

St. John of Kronstadt

Today, dear brethren, we celebrate the glorious feast of the lightning-like Archangel Michael and all the heavenly bodiless powers. On this day let us talk of the boundless world of the angels.

On Names and Angels. The Day of Archangel Michael

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

“There is no one like God”—in this is expressed all of the great Archangel’s knowledge of his God. He doesn’t describe Him, nor does he explain—he stands and witnesses.

Commemoration of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael at Colossae

St Archippus prayed fervently to the Chief Commander Michael to ward off the danger. Through his prayer the Archangel Michael appeared at the temple, and with a blow of his staff, opened a wide fissure in a rock and commanded the rushing torrents of water to flow into it.

Homily on the Feast of the Archangel Michael

Archimandrite John (Krestiankin)

In the opinion of the teachers of the Church, man was created in order to replace the fallen angels. That means that we are supposed enter into the Synaxis of Angels.

Icon of the Mother of God of Kiev-Bratsk

The Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God was at first in the church of Sts Boris and Gleb in the city of Vyshgorod (Kiev), where it miraculously appeared in the year 1654.

Icon of the Mother of God Arapet (Arabian)

The Arapet, or “Arabian” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos appeared while the holy Apostle Thomas was evangelizing Ethiopia, Arabia, and India.

Saint Bega, Anchoress of Cumbria

Dmitry Lapa

St. Bega is said to have been Irish. She was a virgin who led a holy life in north-western England. The legend says that she was an Irish princess, the most beautiful in her kingdom, who fled from her native land to avoid marriage with a pagan Viking—a Norwegian prince. Guided by an angel, Bega refused a pagan husband, as she wanted to devote her life to the Heavenly Bridegroom—Christ.