Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Прп. Кукша Одесский Икона Божией Матери Св. праведный Алексий Московский
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Old Style
September 16
New Style
September 29
14th Sunday after Pentecost. Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross. Tone 5.
No fast.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомAfterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Совершается служба на шестьGreatmartyr Euphemia the All-praised, of Chalcedon (304).

St. Sebastiana, disciple of Apostle Paul, martyred at Heraclea (86). Martyr Melitina of Marcianopolis (ca. 138-161). Martyrs Victor and Sosthenes, at Chalcedon (ca. 304). St. Dorotheus, hermit, of Egypt (4th c.). New Martyrs Isaac and Joseph, at Karnu, Georgia (808). Martyr Ludmilla, grandmother of St. Wenceslaus, prince of the Czechs (927). St. Procopius, abbot, of Sazava in Bohemia (1053). St. Cyprian, metropolitan of Kiev (1406).

Hieromartyr Cyprian, bishop of Carthage (258). St. Ninian, bishop of Whithorn (Candida Casa) (ca. 432). St. Edith, nun, of Wilton (984).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost. [II Cor. 1:21-2:4; Matt. 22:1-14]

   A king arranges a wedding for his son, he sends once for those who were bidden, sends twice, but because of earthly cares they do not come—one was busy at home, another with business. A new invitation was made in other spheres, and the wedding chamber was furnished with guests. Among them was found one not dressed for a wedding, who was therefore cast out. The meaning of this parable is clear: The wedding is the kingdom of heaven, the invitation is the preaching of the Gospels, those who refused are those who did not believe at all, and the one who was not dressed for a wedding believed, but did not live according to faith. Each of us must figure out for ourselves which category we belong to. That we are bidden is clear, but are we believers? Indeed it is possible to even be among believers, under their common name, and completely lack faith. One does not think at all about faith, as if it did not exist; another knows something or other about it and from it, and is satisfied; another interprets the faith in a distorted way; another relates to it with complete animosity. All are reckoned to be among the Christians, although they have absolutely nothing which is Christian. If you believe, figure out whether your feelings, or deeds conform to your faith—these are the garment of the soul, by which God sees you as dressed for the wedding or not. It is possible to know the faith well and be zealous for it, but in actual life to serve the passions, to dress, that is, in the shameful clothes of a sin-loving soul. Such people are one way in word, but are another way in the heart. On their tongue is, “Lord, Lord!” but within they are saying, “count me out.” (Examine yourself, whether you be in the faith and wearing the wedding clothes of the virtues, or wearing the shameful tatters of sins and passions.


The Miracle of Saint Euphemia the All-Praised

The holy Patriarch Anatolius of Constantinople proposed that the Council submit the decision of the Church dispute to the Holy Spirit, through His undoubted bearer St Euphemia the All-Praised, whose wonderworking relics had been discovered during the Council’s discussions. The Orthodox hierarchs and their opponents wrote down their confessions of faith on separate scrolls and sealed them with their seals. They opened the tomb of the holy Great Martyr Euphemia and placed both scrolls upon her relics.

Saints Euphemia and Olga

St. John of Shanghai

St. Euphemia was tortured during the persecutions against Christians under Diocletian, and her death and suffering are commemorated on September 16/29. But today her memory is celebrated because of a miracle that happened during the Fourth Ecumenical Council. This council was supposed to decide who is right—those who believe that Christ was both God and man, the God-Man, or those who asserted that the divinity in Christ completely swallowed up His humanity, so that even His sufferings were only apparent.

Greatmartyr Euphemia the All-praised

The Miracle of Saint Euphemia the All-Praised: The holy Great Martyr Euphemia (September 16) suffered martyrdom in the city of Chalcedon in the year 304, during the time of the persecution against Christians by the emperor Diocletian (284-305). One and a half centuries later, at a time when the Christian Church had become victorious within the Roman Empire, God deigned that Euphemia the All-Praised should again be a witness and confessor of the purity of the Orthodox teaching.

Greatmartyr Euphemia the All-praised

The young maiden Euphemia was also among those praying there. Soon the hiding place of the Christians was discovered, and they were brought before Priscus to answer for themselves.

St. Sebastiana the Martyr and Disciple of St. Paul the Apostle at Heraclea

The Holy Martyr Sebastiana was a follower of the holy Apostle Paul. During a persecution against Christians under the emperor Dometian (81-96), she was on trial as a Christian before the governor named Georgios in the city of Marcianopolis in the Mizea region.

Martyr Ludmilla the grandmother of St Wenceslaus the Prince of the Czechs

The Holy Martyr Ludmilla, a Czech (Bohemian) princess, was married to the Czech prince Borivoy. Both spouses received holy Baptism from Saint Methodius, Archbishop of Moravia and Enlightener of the Slavs (Comm. 11 May).

Repose of St Cyprian the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

Saint Cyprian, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, was a Serb by origin, and struggled on Mt. Athos.

Repose of Saint Cyprian, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

Saint Cyprian, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, was a Serb by origin, and struggled on Mt. Athos.

Venerable Edith of Wilton

Dmitry Lapa

St. Edith (also Editha, Eadgyth, Eadgith) was one of the most venerated female saints of England.