Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Прп. Гавриил Самтаврийский Прав. Артемий Веркольский Великомученик Артемий
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October 20
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November 2
19th Week after Pentecost. Demetrius’ Saturday. Commemoration of the Dead. Tone 1.
No fast.

Совершается служба на шестьGreat-martyr Artemius, at Antioch (362).

St. Artemius of Verkola (1545). St. Theodosius, hieromonk of Svyatogorsk Monastery (1850). St. Gabriel (Urgebadze), archimandrite, of Mtskheta (Georgia) (1995).

New Hieromartyr Nicholas Lyubomudrov, priest, of Latskoye village, Yaroslavl (1918). New Hieromartyrs Herman (Kokel), bishop of Alatyr and John Rodionov, archpriest, of Yesentuki (Kursk) (1937). Uncovering of the relics of New Hieromartyr Nikodim (Kononov), bishop of Belgorod (2012).

Martyr Zebinas of Caesarea in Palestine (308). Martyrs Aborsam and Senoe, of Persia (ca. 341). St. Acca, bishop of Hexham (England) (ca. 740). St. Matrona of Chios (1462). St. Gerasimus the New, ascetic, of Cephalonia (Mt. Athos) (1579). Translation of the relics of New Monk-martyr Ignatius of Bulgaria and Mt. Athos from Constantinople to Mt. Athos (1814).

Repose of Abbot Theodosius (Popov) of Optina Monastery (1903) and Metropolitan John (Snychev) of St. Petersburg (1995).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Saturday. [II Cor. 5:1-10; Luke 7:2-10]

           What a bright person the centurion is! How did he reach such faith that he surpassed with it all Israelites, raised with revelation, prophesies and miracles? The Gospels do not indicate how, but only describe his faith and tell of how the Lord praised him. The path of faith is a secret, concealed path. Who can even explain within himself how the convictions of faith are composed in the heart [cf. Lk. 2:19]? Best of all, the holy Apostle resolved this by calling faith God’s gift. Faith truly is God’s gift, but unbelievers are not without responsibility, and, consequently, they themselves are at fault for the fact that this gift is not given them. If there is no recipient for this gift, it is not given, for there is nothing to receive it with; while in such a case to give is the same as to spend in vain. How a soul is made a worthy recipient of the gift of faith is difficult to determine. Extreme humility could be seen in the centurion, despite the fact that he was a man of power, virtuous and sensible. Is it not through humility in general that this great mercy, which gives faith, is attracted? This is not at all surprising. At the very least it is known to everyone that unbelievers always are of a proud spirit, and that faith most of all requires the submission of the mind beneath its yoke.


Greatmartyr Artemius at Antioch

Holy Great Martyr Artemius of Antioch was a prominent military leader during the reigns of the emperor Constantine the Great (May 21), and his son and successor Constantius (337-361).

Righteous Artemius of Verkola

Holy Righteous Artemius of Verkola was born in the village of Dvina Verkola around the year 1532.

Elder Gabriel (Urgebadze): His Life, Miracles, and Service after his Death

Larisa Khrustalyeva

Coming to the starets at his grave every day, I noticed that you could feel a special grace and tranquility. You don’t think about anything, nothing comes to your mind, you don’t worry about anything. There is extraordinary peace in your soul.

Fr. Gabriel (Urgebadze) in the Words of Those Who Knew Him

Larisa Khrustalyeva

November 2, 2015 was the twenty-year anniversary of the repose of Georgia’s beloved new saint, Elder Gabriel (Ugrebadze).

“Here, let me heal you…”

Irakli Gogoladze, Constantine Tsertsvadze

In the morning, mother and I came along with a friend to the hospital. We went to my father’s room… to be more exact, we ran with horror when we heard the nurse’s shriek: “It can’t be!” We thought, well, it’s the end! My mother fainted.

“I am waiting for you at Samtavro”: on a miracle of Elder Gabriel (Urgebadze)

Constantine Tsertsvadze

Soon I was shown the tests results and the computer-aided tomography scan of my son’s brain: he had a malignant tumor with metastases in the brain. Georgian doctors refused to perform an operation on my child.

A Kerchief for the Saint. Recollection of St. Gabriel (Ugrebadze)

Constantine Tsertsvadze

St. Gabriel (Ugrebadze) showed through his life a very elevated example of eldership. He possessed the God-given gift of prophecy. He preached the Lord’s word, sang, danced, wept, laughed, joked, rebuked, forbade, instructed, prayed, again wept, and again laughed… One had to live side-by-side with him for a few months in order to learn how to understand the profundity of his inner world, and not be scandalized by his strange acts of foolishness-for-Christ. In him was a strength before which people bow down even now—the strength of prayer and love.

St. Gabriel (Urgebadze)

Venerable Matrona of Chios

Saint Matrona was born in the village of Volissos on Chios of wealthy and pious parents, Leon and Anna sometime in the fourteenth century.

Venerable Gerasimus the New Ascetic of Cephalonia

Saint Gerasimus the New Ascetic of Cephalonia was born in the village of Trikkala in the Peloponessos. As a young adult, he became a monk on the island of Zakynthos.

St. Demetrios Saturday

Memorial Saturday of St Demetrios

The St Demetrios Memorial Saturday was established for the churchwide remembrance of the soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo.