Martyr Conon of Isauria (1st c.).
Translation of the relics of St. Theodore, prince of Smolensk and Yaroslavl, and his children Sts. David and Constantine (1463).
Martyr Onisius of Isauria (1st c.). Martyr Conon the Gardener, of Pamphylia (3rd c.). St. Mark the Faster, of Egypt (5th c.). St. Hesychius the Faster, of Bithynia (ca. 790). Monk-martyr Adrian (1550), founder of Poshekhonye Monastery (Rostov), and his fellow-ascetic St. Leonid (1549). Virgin-martyr Irais (Rhais) of Antinoe in Egypt. Martyr Eulogius of Palestine. Martyr Eulampius of Palestine. Sts. Basil (1249) and Constantine (1257), princes of Yaroslavl.
New Hieromartyrs Theophan (Grafov), hierodeacon of Borisoglebsk Monastery (Vladimir) and Mardarius (Isaev), hieromonk, of Yurievskoe (Yaroslavl) (1938).
St. Theophilus, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine (200). Martyr Archelaus and 152 Martyrs in Egypt (ca. 308). St. Kieran (Ciaran) of Saighir, Munster (5th c.-6th c.). St. Virgil, archbishop of Arles (618). New Martyr John the Bulgarian, at Constantinople (1784). New Hieromartyr Parthenius, bishop of Didymoteichon in Thrace (1805). New Martyr George of Rapsana, at Larissa (1818). St. Nikolai (Velimirovich), bishop of Ochrid and Zhicha, Serbia (1956).
Repose of Metropolitan Cornelius of Novgorod (1698).
It is remarkable that Wisdom calls the
foolish to herself: Whoso is simple, let him turn in
hither (Prov. 9:4).[1]
Thus, the clever cannot enter into the house of Wisdom,
or the holy Church. Any cleverness must be laid aside
at the very entrance to this house. On the other hand,
if all wisdom and knowledge are only located inside the
house of Wisdom, then outside of this house, outside of
the holy Church there is only foolishness, ignorance
and blindness. How marvellous is God’s
institution! Leave your intellect behind upon entering
the Church, and you will become truly intelligent;
leave your independent activity and you will become
truly active; deny all of yourself and you will become
a true ruler over yourself. Oh, when will the world
comprehend this wisdom! But this wisdom is hidden from
the world. The world rebels against the wisdom of God
because it does not understand that it, and keeps those
foolish “clever ones” in its
Slavonic for Prov. 9:4 reads Whoso is foolish, let
him turn in hither.
Wisdom—God the
Word—hath builded her house—the holy
Church—and in it she hath furnished her
table, the word of God and the holy Mysteries,
especially the Mystery of the Body and Blood. And she
hath sent forth her maidens, the holy apostles and
their successors, to call everyone to herself for the
supper (Prov. 9:1–8). Many have already been called,
but the calling still continues. So let the whole house be
filled. The feast continues unceasingly. Glory be to God,
Who is so merciful toward us. Let us all go! Let us enter
in, let nobody remain outside the door. During these days
of Lent the calling is particularly intensified, and the
feast is particularly abundant. This makes it all the more
inexcusable to be deprived of this supper. Let all carve
in their memory the following words of Wisdom: he that
sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul (Prov. 8:36);
and so pity yourself.