Sts. David and Constantine of Smolensk and Yaroslavl

Commemorated on September 19

Saint David and his brother Saint Constantine were sons of the holy right-believing Prince Theodore of Smolensk and Yaroslavl. They were born at the Golden Horde. Saint David ruled at Yaroslavl after his father. The second son, Constantine, had evidently died earlier.

The relics of Saints Theodore, Constantine and David were uncovered on March 5, 1463.

Troparion — Tone 4

From your youth you clung to Christ’s love / And you eagerly kept his laws. / You were enriched with miraculous gifts / And now pour forth healings, Theodore, David and Constantine / Pray to Christ our God to save those who honor you!

Kontakion — Tone 8

While in the flesh you were radiant lamps living like the angels. / By fasting, vigils and faith you grew like the trees in paradise. / You blossomed in prayer through the grace you received. / You have become mighty physicians, healing infirmity of souls. / O glorious wonderworkers Theodore, David and Constantine, / Pray to Christ our God for the forgiveness of those who venerate your memory!

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