Maria Vasic
There have been no clashes on nationalistic grounds in Brezovica: They have lived and continue to live peacefully. No one here is surprised when a Serb helps his Albanian neighbor or vice versa.
Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)
The Cross was given to us as a sign on our foreheads, just as Israel was given circumcision. By the Cross, we the faithful are distinguished from the unfaithful.
Metropolitan Serafim (Joanta)
The Book of Psalms, more than any other book of the Bible, is a concentration of praise, thanksgiving and petition to God.
Even after seeing the life of the monastery under siege, the suffering of the refugees, monks and nuns, she nevertheless gave our coordinates to those who want to destroy us. Even after seeing the children, seeing that there are no military personnel here, and after shedding a tear…
Priest Tarasiy Borozenets
What makes faith living? Attention and determination to live up to what you believe in.