Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Преподобный Стефан Махрищский Апостол Акила и мученица Прискилла Преподобный Никодим Святогорец
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July 14
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July 27
5th Week after Pentecost. Tone 3.
No fast.

Совершается служба на шестьApostle Aquila of the Seventy (1st c.), and St. Priscilla (1st c.)

Martyr Justus, at Rome (1st c.). St. Onesimus, monk and wonderworker, of Magnesia (ca. 284-305). St. Ellius (Hellius) of Egypt (4th c.). St. Stephen, founder of Makhrishche Monastery (Vologda) (1406). St. Nicodemus of Mt. Athos, spiritual writer (1809). New Martyr John of Merv (Turkmenistan).

New Hieroconfessor Nicholas Poretsky, archpriest, of Vlakhernskoye (Moscow) (1933).

St. Heraclius, patriarch of Alexandria (246). St. Marcellinus, priest, of Utrecht (8th c.). St. Joseph the Confessor, archbishop of Thessalonica (832). St. Longinus, hieroschemamonk of Svyatogorsk Monastery (1882). Uncovering of the relics of St. Theophilus, fool-for-Christ, of Kiev (1993). Childmartyr Slobodan Stojanovich (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (1992).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Saturday. [Rom. 8:14-21; Matt. 9:9-13]

   When someone, by his fear of God and the demands of his conscience already has an awakened thirst for spiritual things, he possesses a certain sense enabling him to understand the meaning of words relating to the spiritual sphere, although they might be clothed in the form of a parable. For such people a parable does not hide the truth, but rather reveals it even more clearly. But he who is not of this disposition does not understand any spiritual content described in the form of a parable. Even if one were to offer him a word on these subjects that was not in the form of a parable he would only understand the words, and not comprehend the essence of the matter. It would go against all of his notions, and seem to him to be an absurdity which he would not hesitate to mock. This is precisely why the Lord talked to the people in parables. Whoever is spiritually inclined will understand a parable, whereas someone with no inclinations will not understand no matter what you say. Because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand…For this people’s heart is waxed gross (Matt. 13:12-15). Meanwhile, the parable did not deprive of needed instruction those who were capable of seeing the hidden truth: For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance.


Apostle Aquila of the Seventy

Saint Aquila, Apostle of the 70: It is possible that he was a disciple of the Apostle Paul, a native of Pontus and a Jew, living in the city of Rome with his wife Priscilla (they are commemorated on February 13 on the Greek Calendar).

Martyr Justus at Rome

The Holy Martyr Justus was a Roman soldier, to whom the Life-Creating Cross of the Lord appeared in a vision.

Venerable Hellius of Egypt

Saint Hellius lived and died in the fourth century. He was sent to a monastery when he was still a child.

Venerable Stephen the Abbot of Makhrishche, Vologda

Saint Stephen of Makhra (Makhrishche) was a native of Kiev. He accepted monasticism at the monastery of the Caves, where he spent several years in deeds of obedience and prayer.

Repose of the Venerable Nicodemus the Hagiorite

According to the testimony of his contemporaries, St. Nicodemus was a simple man, without malice, unassuming, and distinguished by his profound concentration. He possessed remarkable mental abilities: he knew the Holy Scriptures by heart, remembering even the chapter, verse and page, and he could even recite long passages from the writings of the Holy Fathers from memory.

St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain—Bright Star of the Church

People saw that he was devoted to only two things: prayer and theological studies. They always found him either bent over a book or writing something, or with his head bowed on his chest placing his mind into the depths of his heart in order to call upon the holy name of Jesus.