Orthodox Calendar 2025
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Преподобный Мартирий Зеленецкий Преподобномученица Евдокия Преподобная  Домнина Сирийская
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Old Style
March 1
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March 14
2nd Week of Great Lent. Tone 4.
Great Lent.
Monastic rule: xerophagy (bread, uncooked fruits and vegetables).

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомMartyr Eudocia of Heliopolis (160-170).

Martyr Antonina of Nicaea (3rd c.-4th c.). Martyrs Nestorianus (Nestor), Tribimius, Marcellus, and Anthony, of Perge in Pamphylia (249-251). Virgin Domnina, ascetic, near Cyrrhus (450-460). St. Martyrius, founder of Zelenets Monastery (Novgorod) (1603).

New Martyr Abbess Antonina of Kizliar (1924). New Hieromartyrs Anthony (Korzh), hierodeacon of Kiziltash Monastery (Crimea), Peter Lyubimov, archpriest, of Kishkino (Moscow), and Benjamin Famintsev, archpriest, of Meshcherino (Moscow) (1938).

St. Albinus, bishop of Angers (550). St. David of Wales, bishop (6th c.). St. Suitbert (Swidbert), bishop in southern Westphalia and monastic founder on the Rhine River (713). St. Leo-Luke of Corleone, Sicily (ca. 900). St. Agapius of Kolitsou Skete of Vatopedi, Mt. Athos, and his four companions (13th c.). New Martyr Paraskevas of Trebizond (1659).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse


   My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh (Gen. 6:3).[1] Man has two opposing forces inside, but one consciousness—the human being. The characteristics of this being are determined by his inclinations. If he sides with the Spirit, he is spiritual; if he sides with the flesh, he is fleshly. The spirit does not disappear altogether even from the fleshly, but it is enslaved, and has no voice. It becomes yoked, and serves the flesh like a slave serves its mistress, inventing all sorts of pleasures for it. Similarly, the flesh does not disappear from the spiritual, but it submits to the spirit and serves it. It loses its natural rights for food through fasting, its rights for sleep through vigil, for rest through continuous labour and weariness, for pleasing the feelings through seclusion and silence. Where the flesh reigns, God does not abide; for His organ of communication with man is the spirit, which is not given its due priority in the flesh. God’s approach is felt for the first time when the spirit begins to claim its own through the operation of the fear of God and one’s conscience. When consciousness and freedom also come to help, then God communicates with man and begins to dwell in him. From that moment on begins the inspiration of the soul, the flesh and of the entire inner and outer man, while God becomes all in all in him. By becoming spiritual, man is made divine. What a marvellous benefit, and how little it is remembered, valued and sought after!

[1]The Slavonic for Gen. 6:3 reads: My Spirit shall not eternally be scorned by men, because they are flesh.


Martyr Eudokia of Heliopolis

Eudokia awoke one night at midnight and heard singing from the house of a Christian woman next to hers. A monk was reading from a book which described the Last Judgment, the punishment of sinners, and the reward of the righteous. The grace of God touched Eudokia’s heart, and she grieved because of her great wealth and for her sinful life.

Martyr Antonina of Nicea, in Bithynia

After fierce tortures, Saint Antonina was thrown into prison, but Maximian could not force the saint to renounce Christ and offer sacrifice to idols.

Virgin Domnina of Syria

The Virgin Domnina of Syria was a disciple of Saint Maron (February 14). The nun built a straw-covered hut in her mother’s garden and lived there as an ascetic, eating only lentils soaked in water.

Venerable Martyrius of Zelenets, Pskov

Harsh and painful was the life of the monk in the wilderness, but neither cold, nor deprivation, nor wild beasts, nor the wiles of the Enemy were able to shake his resolve. He built a small chapel for the glorification of, and in gratitude to, the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos.

Holy Hierarch David, Patron Saint of Wales

Dmitry Lapa

The abbot led the same simple life as his monks and worked as hard as any of them. All the community members wore simple clothes and all their belongings were held in common. Voluntary poverty and the refusal of all possessions were among the main rules of the monastery. St. David himself, like many other Celtic saints, used to retreat to the river to read the whole Psalter, standing in cold river water even in winter.

Reclaiming St. David (feast day March 1/14)

Fr. Lawrence Farley

Devotion to St. David of Wales (and to all the western saints) serves a very important role in the Orthodox Church—it rescues us from the accusation that we are merely “the Eastern Church” (as some textbooks describe us), the eastern half of a sundered and broken body.

Venerable Agapius of Vatopedi

He was taken into captivity by Turks who had landed on the shore of Athos. They took him to Magnesia and there he worked in chains for twelve years. But he did not lose hope for freedom and fervently he prayed to the Mother of God to free him from this bitter captivity.