Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Святитель Тихон, Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Святитель Иона Новгородский
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Old Style
November 5
New Style
November 18
22nd Week after Pentecost. Tone 4.
No fast.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомMartyrs Galacteon and his wife Episteme, at Emesa (253). Совершается служба со славословиемSt. Jonah, archbishop of Novgorod (1470). New Hiero-confessor Tikhon (Bellavin), patriarch of Moscow and all Russia. Synaxis of the Holy Fathers of the Local Russian Church Council of 1917-1918.

Apostles Patrobus, Hermas, Linus, Gaius, and Philologus, of the Seventy (1st c.). St. Gregory, patriarch of Alexandria (9th c.). St. Hilarion, recluse, of Troekurovo (1853). St. Dositheus, monk of Glinsk Hermitage (1874).

Martyrs Domninus, Timothy, Theophilus, Theotimus, Dorotheus, Eupsychius, Carterius, and Pamphilius, of Palestine (307). St. Cybi, abbot, of Cornwall and Wales (550). St. Odrada, virgin, of Balen (Neth.) (8th c.). St. Gregory of Cassano, Calabria (1002).

Repose of Abbess Anna of Vrachevshnitsa Monastery (Serbia) (1975) and Hieromonk Raphael (Ogorodnikov) of Porkhov (Pskov) (1988).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Monday. [II Thess. 1:1-10; Luke 12:13-15, 22-31]

   Who made Me a judge or a divider over you? the Lord said to the man who asked Him to divide between him and his brother. Then He added: take no thought (Matt. 6:33), about what to eat and drink, or what to wear. Earlier He taught: leave the dead to bury their dead; another time he suggested that it is better not to marry. This means that the attention and heart of Christians turning aside from everything worldly, and freedom from worldly talk and bonds, make up one of the traits of a Christian spirit. That the Lord blesses marriage and supports its integrity, which effectually renews the commandment regarding the relationship between parents and children and attaches significance to civic powers and order, is not a negation of this trait and does not give Christians the right to avoid preserving and cherishing it in their hearts. Compare both things and you will see that you have a duty to keep your heart unworldly amidst worldly routines. How can one do this? Figure out your life yourself; in this is all practical wisdom. The Lord guides one towards solving this with the following rule: seek ye first the kingdom of God. Direct all your concern towards having God reign in you, and everything worldly will lose its binding and burdensome spell over you. Then you will conduct your affairs outwardly, but inwardly your heart will be possessed with something else. But, if on account of this, the resolution arises to cut off this outer relationship to worldly things—you will not lose out: you will come closer to the goal which the faith of Christ will give you.


Martyr Galaction and his wife at Emesa

Once, Episteme had a vision in her sleep: she and Galaction stood in a wondrous palace before a radiant King, and the King bestowed golden crowns on them. This was a prefiguring of their impending martyrdom.

Repose of St Jonah the Archbishop of Novgorod

Saint Jonah, Archbishop of Novgorod, in the world named John, was left orphaned early in life and was adopted by a certain pious widow living in Novgorod. She raised the child and sent him to school.

On St. John Climacus, and the Miraculous Revelation of Patriarch Tikhon's Relics

Archimandrite John (Krestiankin)

The Patriarch was the spiritual leader of the Russian people during a very difficult time. He continues to be so during our difficult time in Russia—a time of schism, separation, and falls. The Church's duty in such trials is to inspire and unite the people for the sake of saving their native land, faith, and truth, serving for unification.

A Dream: About my vision of Patriarch Tikhon

Metropolitan Benjamin (Fedchenkov)

“So, only now,” a thought struck me, “now something can be said to them, now they are capable of hearing it, for their souls have melted. But there in the hut there could be no thought of teaching.” I understood that we must first warm the sinful soul, and correct it only afterwards. His Holiness could do this—he greatly loved these sinful but miserable children of his. And he warmed them with his love.

A 1923 Interview with Patriarch Tikhon by an American

Patriarch Tikhon's nine years in America were important ones in the affairs of the Orthodox Church there. During this period the episcopal seat was removed from San Francisco to New York. During this period Bishop Tikhon became Archbishiop Tikhon, the first American Orthodox hierarch to bear that title. These years made a deep impression upon the future Patriarch himself, and as will later be pointed out, the knowledge of the life and religious ideals of American people he acquired there have been very influential in later events in Russia. America has no better friend in Russia than Patriarch Tikhon and he seems especially pleased to maintain his connection with Americans and things American.

The Trial of Patriarch Tikhon

Ivan M. Andreev

The supreme spiritual value--religion--was also overthrown. Faith in God was replaced with faith in atheism and materialism. The interests of the whole nation were reduced to the interests of the proletarian and peasant classes. Yet in view of the "backwardness" of the peasant class, the leading rôle was ceded to the proletariat. And since the entire proletariat was en masse also referred to as "comprehending little," the "dictatorship of the proletariat" was transformed into the Dictatorship of the Bolshevik Communist Party.

Saint Patriarch Tikhon - His Missionary Legacy to Orthodox America

Fr. Alexey Young

The key to St. Tikhon's greatness lies in his personality, his character. Prof. Zaichenko recalls: "By nature Bishop Tikhon was kind, responsive and unusually sensitive. In his character he was quiet, merciful, good-natured and always tried to preserve in himself serenity, a serenity which he transmitted to the souls of all those around him."

St. Tikhon of Moscow's Gift to America

Jesse Dominick

St. Tikhon’s Monastery is home to a rich history and a great many “treasures” of Orthodoxy, some known, some relatively unknown, which stand as a testament to the prayers and labors of our American apostle, St. Tikhon, and his continuing heavenly protection.

The Quiet Courage of Patriarch Tikhon

Georgiy Velikanov

Patriarch Tikhon, without a doubt, was a “point of intersection” for all the Russian Church’s modern history. At him intersect all the different paths chosen by hierarchs and simple believers.

Patriarch Tikhon

“Patriarch Tikhon is one of the greatest universal saints.”

Patriarch Tikhon captained the ship of the Church through the bloody storm of anti-ecclesiastical persecution inspired by the godless leaders of the communist regime, who had seized power in much-suffering Russia.

Apostles Patrobus, Hermes, Linus, Gaius, and Philologus, of the Seventy

Saints Patrobus, Hermes, Linus, Gaius, and Philologus, Apostles of the Seventy, preached the Gospel in various cities, each enduring various hardships in their service as bishops.

Apostle Hermas of the Seventy

The Holy Apostle Hermas of the Seventy was bishop at Philippopolis, and died a martyr in the first century.

Saint Gregory, Archbishop of Alexandria

Saint Gregory the Archbishop of Alexandria lived in the ninth century.