Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Преподобный Нил Столобенский Святой Иоанн Русский, исповедник Преподобный Ферапонт Можайский
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6th Sunday of Pascha. Sunday of the Blind Man. Tone 5.
No fast.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомHieromartyr Therapontus, priest, of Sardis (3rd c.). Совершается служба со славословиемTranslation of the relics of St. Nilus of Stolobny (1667). Совершается служба с полиелеемSt. John the Russian, confessor, whose relics are on the island of Euboea (1730).

Virgin-martyr Theodora and Martyr Didymus the Soldier, of Alexandria (304). St. Therapont, abbot, of Belozersk and Mozhaisk (1426). Translation of the relics (1472) of Sts. Cyprian, Photius, and Jonah, metropolitans of Kiev (1472). St. Therapontus, monk of Monza Monastery (Galich) (1597). St. Lazarus the Clarivoyant, hieroschemamonk of Pskov Caves Monastery (1824).

Viliya Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Martyr Julius the Veteran, at Dorostolum in Moesia (ca. 302). St. Bede the Venerable, hieromonk and chronicler, of Wearmouth and Jarrow (735). St. Michael of Parekhi, Georgia (8th c.-9th c.). St. Basil of Khakhuli, son of King Bagrat III of Georgia (11th c.). St. Melangell, virgin hermitess, of Pennant, Wales (ca. 590). Hieromartyr Helladius, bishop (6th c.-7th c.). New Hieromartyr Therapontus, priest, of Sofia (Bulgaria) (1555). Synaxis of the Saints of Carpatho-Russia.

Repose of Blessed Zina of Vetluga (1960).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Sunday of the Blind Man. [Acts 16:16–34; John 9:1–38]

   Simplicity of faith argues with crafty unbelief. Faith, coming to the blind man who received sight, enlightened his mind’s eyes, and he clearly saw the truth. See how everything was logical for him. They ask him: what do you say of Him who gave you sight? He is a prophet, he answered, that is the messenger of God, clothed in miracle-working power. An indisputably true conclusion! But learned erudition does not want to see this trueness and seeks to evade its consequences. However, this being impossible, it approaches unlearned simplicity with the suggestion: give God the praise: we know that this man is a sinner. Simplicity of faith does not know how to connect these concepts—sinfulness and miracle-working, and expresses this openly: Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see. What can one say against such deduction? But the logic of the unbelievers is obstinate, and even in the face of obviousness it is not ashamed to affirm that it does not know where he who opened the blind man’s eyes is from. Why herein is a marvellous thing, the sensible logic of faith says to them, that ye know not from whence He is, and yet He hath opened mine eyes. Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth His will, him he heareth. Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind. If this man were not of God, He could do nothing (John 9:17–33). It would seem as though after this nothing remained other than to bow down before the power of such a conclusion. But learned erudition could not stand the sensible logic of faith, and drove it away... Go now, prove the truth of the faith to those whose mind has been corrupted with obstinate unbelief. The unbelievers of all times are cut from the same cloth.


Hieromartyr Therapon the Bishop of Sardis

The Hieromartyr Therapon, Bishop of Sardis suffered for Christ during the third century (the city of Sardis was in Lydia, Asia Minor).

Venerable Nilus of Stolbensk Lake

The island, in the middle of the lake, was covered over by dense forest. Saint Nilus found a small hill and dug out a cave, and after a while he built a hut, in which he lived for twenty-six years.

St. John the Russian and Confessor, whose relics are on the island of Euboia

The Holy Confessor John the Russian was born in Little Russia around 1690, and was raised in piety and love for the Church of God. Upon attaining the age of maturity he was called to military service, and he served as a simple soldier in the army of Peter I and took part in the Russo-Turkish War. During the Prutsk Campaign of 1711 he and other soldiers were captured by the Tatars, who handed him over to the commander of the Turkish cavalry.

Venerable Therapon the Abbot of White Lake

Saint Therapon of White Lake, Wonderworker of Luzhetsk, in the world Theodore, was born in the year 1337 at Volokolamsk into the noble Poskochin family. From his childhood, he was raised in faith and piety, which he displayed throughout his life as a holy ascetic.

St Photius the Metropolitan of Kiev

Saint Photius, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, was by birth a Greek from the Peloponnesian city of Monembasia (Malbasia).

St Jonah the Metropolitan of Moscow

Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and Wonderworker of All Russia, was born in the city of Galich into a pious Christian family.

Venerable Bede, the Church Historian

Saint Bede was a church historian who recorded the history of Christianity in England up to his own time.

Saint Bede of Jarrow

Saint Bede was a church historian who recorded the history of Christianity in England up to his own time. He was probably born around 673 in Northumbria. We do not know exactly where he was born, but it is likely that it was somewhere near Jarrow.

Venerable Mikael of Parekhi (8th–9th centuries)

Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze

Saint Mikael of Parekhi was a native of the village of Norgiali in the Shavsheti region of southern Georgia. He was tonsured a monk in the Midznadzori Wilderness.Fr. Mikael journeyed to Khandzta Monastery, and with the blessing of the brotherhood, he built a small chapel and dwelling for the monks nearby. Built in a cave on the side of a cliff, St. Mikael’s establishment was difficult to reach (the new monastery was called “Parekhi,” or “Cave”).

Venerable Basil, Son of King Bagrat (11th century)

Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze

Saint Basil, the son of King Bagrat III, lived in the 11th century and labored at Khakhuli Monastery (in southwestern Georgia, present-day Turkey). He was a major figure in the spiritual and educational life of southern Georgia.

Melangell With A Thousand Angels

Nun Nectaria (McLees)

Little known outside Wales and Great Britain, the secluded Welsh shrine of St. Melangel, deep in the Berwyn Mountains, is dedicated to a sixth-century Irishwoman, an anchorite who lived here for many years, alone and unknown. An early Christian treasure, it is the oldest existing Romanesque shrine in northern Europe.

Sunday of the Blind Man