Archimandrite Lazar (Abashidze)
Rating: 9,5|Votes: 15
However enraptured they maybe with these pleasant and sweet dreams, preoccupied with outwardly ordering churches and places of inspiration (in expectation of that wonderful era), a large number of clergy and laity do not even notice (or perhaps do not want to notice), how the spirit of antichrist is coming into Georgia, and sinking deeper roots into people souls, beginning his reign in all strata of life.
St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), Archimandrite Lazar (Abashidze)
Rating: 10|Votes: 3
Often the mind does not remember a sin committed, or may hardly recognize it as a sin. However, the soul remembers—it feels hell inside, it languishes and suffers, and the whole person is filled with a kind of melancholy, anxiety, and despondency.