Hieromonk Nektary (Sokolov)
Finally the day arrived that Marie Madeleine had been so diligently preparing for and what the Lord had guided her to in His all-wise ways was fulfilled.
Natalya Chernykh
As I fell, I felt an elderly man catch me and gently lay me down on a straightedge (a tool used to level plastered walls).
Sergei Seryubin
“You know,” Fr. Germogen thoughtfully said to me, “the first thing I said about being wounded was, ‘I forgive everyone.’”
In the summer of 2024, 37 parishioners from Lancaster's Annunciation Orthodox Church joined Project Mexico's home building project.
John (Amir) Azarvan
One of the most interesting ironies that I have encountered in my research is the presence of self-identified atheists who pray.
Olga Izhenyakova
The rest of the story is about a Russian man who dragged two half-dead men down from Jomolungma. And he brought them down alive! One-by-one. Counting on no one’s help. No human help…
Artemy Slezkin
Here on earth all of us humans are Wanderers and strangers. We are guests who have been allowed to wander here for a short time to collect treasures that will be useful to us in Heaven.
Irina Dmitrieva
Scary-looking and furry, it simply paralyzed me with its gaze, so I couldn’t move from fear. On top of that, my throat was dry with fear.
Alexandra Gripas
I didn’t want to have an abortion. Some unknown force as if led me towards the church. I had my first confession at the age of eighteen.
Nun Elizaveta (Goncharova)
“The Queen of Heaven Herself?! Visiting us?! Bring Her! I will gather all of our parish this exact evening!”
Fr. Stephen Freeman
Likening a human being to a computer works for many people. It does so because we have a distorted sense of how human beings live and function. This distortion, strangely, has its roots in theology.
And it happened exactly as he told us. Ten days later, we received a call from the local Athonite metochion asking to pick up our icon. On the same day, we also had a call from the printing office: the print run of the icons-postcards of “The Queen of All” was ready.
Olga Bobrovnikova, Nun Seraphima (Golovina)
Monastic life for men and for women is the same: we take the same vows. The most important thing is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit, purity and chastity.
Archpriest Victor Potapov
The Parish temple is indissolubly linked to the family life of its parishioners. The Orthodox family, in the words of St. Paul, is the “home church.” The parish can be considered a kind of confederacy of all the small churches that are Orthodox households. If an Orthodox family remains closely connected to the church the true spirit of the church naturally pervades it, forming fertile ground for its members’ spiritual growth and development.
One day the doctors said that she had two weeks to live! It was just like a shot. Julia did not shed a single tear.
Fr. Lawrence Farley
On what basis should decisions be made regarding how to receive former schismatics into the Church?
Simeon (Tran Le Thanh Tri)
Orthodox Christianity in Vietnam is not merely a religious alternative but a path marked by its emphasis on love and spiritual growth, resonating deeply in a society navigating rapid economic and social change.
It is only possible to become and remain Orthodox with the Lord’s help.
Dmitry Zlodorev
As the icon has renewed itself, so we can also renew our soul, heart, and mind, our whole life.
"It’s neither the mountains, nor the climate, nor the Gobi Desert. It’s a miracle."