Fr. Lawrence Farley
Given this, how much credibility can the restoration of Jewish Temple have with its restoration of animal sacrifice?
Maria Tobolova
An educated man and a master of observation, Pierre Gilliard carefully studied the characters of the Sovereign and all members of his family.
Nun Cornelia (Rees)
In 2022, when the fifteenth anniversary of the reunification approached, I decided to talk with people who participated in the process and combine their memories in a book.
Catherine Boeckmann
Dr. King is famous for his nonviolent philosophy and methodology. He believed in the “Beloved Community,” where all people are valued, respected, and treated with dignity.
On the floor of the monastery ruins is an intricate mosaic that includes “crosses, lions, doves, an amphora (a ceramic maritime shipping jug), flowers and geometric patterns.”
Closer to Christmas, the frost intensified. The temperature in the house didn’t rise above 53°F, despite the heated stove. However, everyone prepared for Christmas and made gifts within their means.
Igumen Anthony (Korolev)
When a new wave of persecutions broke out in the 1960s, the authorities decided to close down one of the churches in the area, and their choice fell on Malye Yasyrki. But the sisters and the parishioners stood up for the church.
There are references to Christianity in Gaul and Germany in historical sources from the late 2nd century, but evidence of Christians living north of the Alps before this find dated to the 4th century at the earliest.
n the Soviet era the church in Malye Yasyrki was a spiritual center where people came for prayer and spiritual guidance not only from all over the Voronezh region, but also from across the USSR.
Oksana Golovko
Regardless of whether it is an urban or pastoral landscape, the churches add loftiness to the artistic space, making it meaningful and beautiful.
Matthew Hartley
A Christian presence of any sort is greatly in the minority throughout the Arabian Peninsula.
The beginning of a Christian presence on the Arabian Peninsula dates to Apostolic times.
Sergei Alekseyev
In the proper sense of the word, state power is already a matter of the 10th century, and the key role here was played by the Christianization of Rus at the end of the 10th century.
“I explain the severity of the disasters by retribution... for our attitude to the religious question and especially for the attitude of the Russian clergy towards their religious and social mission... Of course, I will never believe in the triumph of atheism among us Russians... Russian religious thought will find its way to revival.”
Fr. Photius was the first to send messages to the Tsar denouncing the wrong religious policies that Alexander I had pursued almost throughout his reign, and the Tsar heeded the archimandrite’s words.
Monk Photius fearlessly set about struggling against Freemasonry, whose representatives were the most influential figures of the Empire.
The house survived storms, war and neglect before it was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1970.
Athanasios Zoitakis
The saint was not only an outstanding Orthodox enlightener; he is truly considered a great prophet of latter times. St. Cosmas of Aitolia left a great number of stunningly exact prophecies about the future of mankind (about scientific inventions, wars, and ecological catastrophes). Many of his predictions have already come to pass, while others are still awaiting their fulfillment.
Samuel Noble
The image of the churches harmoniously fitting together as the parts of the body whose sole head is Christ is a key image for Peter’s ecclesiology.
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