Peter Davydov
Do you know who threw us under the Croatian Ustase? Our dear fellow villagers—the ones with whom we sang songs, played football, and had birthday parties together!
Catherine Boeckmann
Dr. King is famous for his nonviolent philosophy and methodology. He believed in the “Beloved Community,” where all people are valued, respected, and treated with dignity.
Evgeny Poselyanin
And suddenly something joyful, something he had never experienced in his life before, overwhelmed the boy. For some reason, it became clear to him that he was saved.
The cross is a 20-foot wooden structure anchored to the ground with cement, and it stands atop a hill above Pepperdine University.
Bishop Basil (Essey)
This tradition is observed in both parish churches and in the homes of the faithful. What is the meaning of this tradition and how did it begin?
2024 can be remembered by many as a year of Christian suffering.
On December 15th, 2024, Christ the Savior Orthodox Church presented, "An Appalachian Christmas", a candlelit performance of traditional Christmas music by the combined choir of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church and Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV.
In the summer of 2024, 37 parishioners from Lancaster's Annunciation Orthodox Church joined Project Mexico's home building project.
Sergei Mudrov
But there is also another Switzerland—maybe not as popular, but still, the one that reveals itself to anyone who is willing to learn about it in a different light. It is more spiritual and blessed. It is the country of new Orthodox parishes. This is the Switzerland that gave the world many saints canonized by the Orthodox Church.
There were 2,444 anti-Christian hate crimes across 35 European countries last year, with the UK among the highest, a new report has found.
Oksana Golovko
“Acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved,” said Saint Seraphim of Sarov. This very “peaceful spirit” is what artists, including Pavel Ryzhenko, strive to convey in their works.
Elena Nasledysheva
And she was unable to explain it: “It is right here, you see, here,” and she’d point to her heart. But her husband would say, “God is telling us to do this.”
Regardless of whether it is an urban or pastoral landscape, the churches add loftiness to the artistic space, making it meaningful and beautiful.
Juan P. Villasmil
As much as we have grown accustomed to this, it’s not normal, and it demands reflection.
Metropolitan Paul Yazigi
Life in Christianity is not the life of an individual. Because, from our anthropological point of view, human life cannot exist alone.
Subdeacon Seraphim Nesch
St. Nicholas parish has become a hub for organizing relief efforts, with volunteers gathering here to clear roads and deliver essential items to those in need.
Alexey Gunkin
“An hour and a half later, when people figured out what had actually happened, the first messages appeared on the wall of the VKontakte group called “Heard in Toropets:” ‘Staraya Toropa. Central Street, bld... Willing to take in some people’ ‘Andreapol. Two-room apartment. Will host a family. Tel...’ ‘Nelidovo. Minibus. Willing to take out eight people. Tel...’.”
Maria Vasic
There have been no clashes on nationalistic grounds in Brezovica: They have lived and continue to live peacefully. No one here is surprised when a Serb helps his Albanian neighbor or vice versa.
Marilyn Swezey
The main and constant miracle was the effect presence of the icon on people in the who were uplifted, and sometimes just brought to a renewal of their faith.
The inaugural seven students of the Certificate Program have been remotely learning and reflecting together since February from their own homes and parishes across the United States. But coming together for the culminating residency on the campus of St. Tikhon’s brought a spiritual depth to the experience no one, not even the Certificate Program staff, were fully prepared for.