Athanasios Zoitakis
The saint was not only an outstanding Orthodox enlightener; he is truly considered a great prophet of latter times. St. Cosmas of Aitolia left a great number of stunningly exact prophecies about the future of mankind (about scientific inventions, wars, and ecological catastrophes). Many of his predictions have already come to pass, while others are still awaiting their fulfillment.
Bishop Benjamin of Rybinsk and Romanov-Borisoglebsk
When the Lord calls you, you have to answer yourself whether it is your path or not. You cannot go to a monastery because it is beautiful or right, but because you love God and want to serve Him.
Metropolitan Vadim (Lazebny)
If we can send a spiritual “recruit” out of our midst into the monastic “army”, then we are more or less spiritually healthy. If a monastery becomes a center that attracts those seeking spiritual life, then many problems of people in the world will disappear too.
Flavius Mihaies
Ukrainians are dying on the frontline while fighting to preserve their faith.
Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporozhye and Melitopol
On my own behalf and on behalf of the flock entrusted to me by God, in response to this appeal, I would like to emphasize once again that the unity of the Church of God can only be achieved by the return to Her fold of those who have strayed from the Truth and taken the path of falsehood.
Archpriest Victor Potapov
The real life of a parish arises from the depths of the human soul, forged into unity by shared spiritual experiences and conjoined in the sacraments and prayers carried out under the shared roof of one sanctuary.
Natalia Gorenok
All that remained of the once large ancient village was the vacated Sts. Peter and Paul Church standing in the middle of the field, and its cemetery, practically as forsaken as the church...
Peter Davydov, Maria Vasic
Kosovo, in Vladyka’s words, was lost only for those who have lost themselves—in time, space, and faith.
Despite Patriarch Bartholomew attending the summit, which took place on 15-16 June, only as an observer, his signature on the communique sparked outrage in Turkey several days after the conclusion of the conference.
Simeon (Tran Le Thanh Tri)
Orthodox Christianity in Vietnam is not merely a religious alternative but a path marked by its emphasis on love and spiritual growth, resonating deeply in a society navigating rapid economic and social change.
Peter Davydov
“And I propose,” Dragan ended the story, “that we relate attentively to the daily prayers for the world; we hear them continually at the Liturgy. Not with just automatic ‘hearing’. We need to participate in them. Then perhaps the earth will not turn into hell.”
Lada Bayeva
The most important thing in our service is to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep, and all this on the same day. And I would place emphasis on the ability to listen to a person without judging him even with a glance or gesture. People are doubly grateful for this.
Talking about family traditions, their work and hobbies, these women have sincerely shared with readers what helps them overcome difficulties, what joy they feel when they observe the good fruits of their labors, and how happy they are in their service.
Archpriest John Whiteford
As it turned out, the article was not about the growth of Orthodoxy in Texas at all, but was in fact an extremely biased attempt to paint me, my parish, and other Orthodox Christians as racists, conspiracy theorists, and authoritarians.
The problem with this is that this is not restoring the ancient order of deaconesses—this is the establishment of something entirely different.
Protopresbyter Joseph Dzagoev
We have every reason to call both Solovki and Magadan and their surrounding territories an enormous Russian antimension spread under the open sky.
Priest Jorge Suez
I began to serve in Spanish in order to make our church and services more open to people around us. For Chileans, including descendants of emigrants, church services have become clearer; in addition, we have begun pastoral work with people of all ages, holding meetings, reading the Bible, and answering questions.
Darina Grigorova
Ekaterina Titova's icons are filled with golden light, a symbol of holiness. The colours of the images are soft pastels, because they are meant to inspire prayer.
Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko)
Now is a similar time. Also people who call themselves journalists, with the help of the media call white black, call for the destruction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, slander it.
Priest Vladislav Terentyev
During the Divine Liturgy, the Great Litany and antiphons began to be proclaimed and sung in Mongolian, the Epistles and the Gospel are read in three languages: Church Slavonic, Mongolian and English.