Nun Elizaveta (Goncharova)
And it happened exactly as he told us. Ten days later, we received a call from the local Athonite metochion asking to pick up our icon. On the same day, we also had a call from the printing office: the print run of the icons-postcards of “The Queen of All” was ready.
Evidence of the Icon's presence in Sozopol can be documented up to the VIII century, after which it is no longer mentioned.
Fr. James Guirguis
It is said that before the end of the world the temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt and someone will enter that temple to receive worship. This will no doubt be an anti-Christ or The AntiChrist. But as Christians we are reminded that we have no need of a temple since we as Christians become the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Cristian Curte
He was like the bread of God—humble, meek, always trying to help everyone and encourage them. He never thought much of himself and never spared himself. When praised, he would reply that praise was the same as slander.
Archimandrite Alypy (Voronov)
So, let’s be humble, cut off all pride and the desire to rule, and then we will be saved with God’s help. Amen.
Bishop Irenei (Steenberg)
True family is not a creation of human society, nor less of any individual’s or couple’s design. True family is God’s creation, God’s gift.
Alexei Artemev
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The news reached Moscow that moving from the south to the city was Tamerlane's army—the army of an invincible and cruel conqueror. He was literally invincible—throughout his long life, he never suffered a single defeat.
On Monday, September 2, over one hundred pilgrims arrived at the hillside desert monastery of St. Herman of Alaska, co-founded by Fr. Seraphim (Rose). All wished to prayerfully commemorate the day of Fr. Seraphim’s repose in the Lord.
Constantine Tsertsvadze
He was a great elder, who tried with all his might to bring men to God.
Olga Orlova
All human efforts led to nothing, my possibilities were exhausted, but everything remained in its place. I walked along the canal, begging Father Seraphim to sort it out…
She became that very twelfth abbess foretold by St. Seraphim, under whom the convent was to become well-organized.
In the incomprehensible mystery for the human intellect of the incarnation of the Word of God, of man’s salvation, the Ever-Virgin Mary becomes a participant and an accomplice.
Olga Demidyuk
Just when it seems you can’t go any further, the laws of logic end and God acts.
Archimandrite Iachint (Unciuleac)
Today the tongue, most tireless in prayer, which so many times conversed with angels, named the Son of God and revealed ineffable mysteries, has stopped speaking.
On September 29, 1998 something unheard of happened: The body of Father Ilie was found completely untouched by decay, exuding fragrance.
Hieromonk Pafnuty (Fokin)
Eldress Maria’s community became one of the strongholds of post-war secret monasticism.
All the priests in the town of Kasimov, including Fr. Sergiy, were arrested, taken to a forest, and ordered to dig a large trench near the railroad tracks. The clergy were convinced they were digging their own graves.
Maria Tobolova
The Tsarevich wrote in his diary: “If they kill us, I only hope they won’t torture us for a long time...”
The Tsarevich had a very gentle and kind heart. He often exclaimed, ‘When I become the Tsar, there will be no poor and unhappy people. I want everyone to be happy.’”
Archpriest George Zavershinsky
It’s impossible for man to see God. But the Son Whom He sent utters Divine words in human language and reveals God’s truth about being in this world.