Demonstrations flare after video spread on social media showing hooded fighters setting fire to tree.
Unidentified gunmen attacked a Greek Orthodox church in Hama, Syria, on Wednesday, December 18, firing shots at its walls and attempting to remove the cross, according to local reports.
Alexander Pavuk
The crucial point is not just that persecution is occurring. It is that its duration puts the lie to all characterizations that the UOC ban is a response to supposed wartime disloyalty (the official explanation).
Jesse Dominick
On October 17, one of the bloodiest takeovers took place in Cherkasy, when the schismatics seized the Archangel Michael Cathedral and violently attacked His Eminence Metropolitan Theodosy, as well as Orthodox clergy and parishioners.
Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporozhye and Melitopol
The attempt to completely cancel a whole portion of society is fraught with the danger of a huge schism in society in the future. And this will be yet another component on the path to the deterioration and self-destruction of the Ukrainian nation.
There were 2,444 anti-Christian hate crimes across 35 European countries last year, with the UK among the highest, a new report has found.
Using Ukraine as an example, the Phanar is implementing a strategy of union that may later be applied on a broader level.
The participants condemned the war waged by Israel against Lebanon and its citizens, accompanied by assassinations, killing of innocent citizens, destruction, forced migration, and displacement.
What options do the clergy and laity of our Church have after its ban?
Even after seeing the life of the monastery under siege, the suffering of the refugees, monks and nuns, she nevertheless gave our coordinates to those who want to destroy us. Even after seeing the children, seeing that there are no military personnel here, and after shedding a tear…
Our only “guilt” lies in our desire to follow God’s Law and our refusal to compromise with the world, to call evil good.
The monks had to complete the service regardless of the shells flying at them, even if it meant their death. So they prayed like the first Christians in the catacombs as the tanks kept shelling the church.
Maria Vasic
My mother and father did everything possible so that we would never feel that we were practically living under occupation. A feeling of being at home, a sense of our native home—that’s what they gave us.
Peter Davydov
“And I propose,” Dragan ended the story, “that we relate attentively to the daily prayers for the world; we hear them continually at the Liturgy. Not with just automatic ‘hearing’. We need to participate in them. Then perhaps the earth will not turn into hell.”
Alexander Koval
There is an attempt to “Catholicize” Ukrainians. Banning the UOC would allow the transfer of believers first to the schismatic OCU, and then to the Greek Catholic Church of Ukraine.
Since 1999, Serbian children never returned to their classes in their old school. It is the result of the “optimization of Serbian education,” the Kosovar way.
Dejan Baljosevic
It was hard to see Predrag treading heavily in the evening to his house with blinded windows, carrying another bag of groceries. It was a dreadful loneliness.
Hierodeacon Christopher
Somehow Kosovo is calling us, the people of the twenty-first century, lost in the chaos of our restless and spiteful world.
Metropolitan Mark (Arndt)
I do not expect any justice from any court in Ukraine. It is a country that is totally steeped in the prosecution of Christians.
The archaelogical site, which dates back to the fourth century, has reportedly sustained damage during the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.