Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko)
The Savior is compared to the woman in the Gospel parable who diligently seeks the lost drachma. This drachma is each person’s soul.
Archimandrite Joseph (Yeremenko)
Who is this mysterious Melchizedek, about whom so little is written in the Holy Scriptures, but whom the holy author of the Great Canon calls on us to imitate?...
Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol
In order to wage spiritual warfare, we need the presence of Divine grace, for this is no human warfare.
The Lord is always with us, He never abandons any of us.
St. Innocent of Kherson
By its very appearance, fasting dispels a whole throng of disorders and temptations.
Each person has the possibility to enter into this wondrous divine Light. After all, Christ came into the world for this, and poured out His blood on the Cross so that we might enter into His unutterable joy.
Archpriest Pavel Kondrakov
Just as nature comes back to life in spring and all its vital forces that were hidden during the winter come into bloom, so a person comes back to life during fasting, revives in repentance and springs up to life with God.
Priest Dimitry Vydumkin
The very longing for the Heavenly Fatherland was left to us as a gift, without which our treasure, and therefore our heart, would never have risen up from the earth.
Artemy Slezkin
Each of us stands before the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven, the eternal Kingdom of Christ, and each of us holds the key: a life according to the Gospel commandments, active repentance, and tireless mercy.
St. Philaret of Chernigov
Weep, sinner, wandering far from your homeland, from your Heavenly fatherland. Where is our homeland? Where is our Jerusalem?
Metropolitan Serafim (Joanta) of Germany and Central Europe
The grace received from God requires us to cooperate with Him.
Fr. James Guirguis
The criterion by which God will judge each and every person is this alone: Did we love?
Priest Anthony Rusakevich
With the considerable influence of the internet, where any heresy has weight, and where the number of “theologians” with their “opinions” is multiplying, it is vital for us to discover the true interpretation of not just a particular passage, but of the entirety of Holy Scripture.
How strict, how supremely righteous the Last Judgment will be! If the Lord knows all, if He’s as righteous as He is powerful, then how terrible His judgment will be! In flaming fire [He will take] vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thess. 1:8).
Hieromonk Ignaty (Shestakov)
We must never forget that all our labors are nothing if we do not see Christ in people around us.
Priest Alexei Tverdov
On the Saturday before Meatfare Sunday the Church prays for those who have already passed away, for whom the particular judgment has already taken place, and who can’t change anything for themselves. But our prayer can change something for them.
St. Alexei of Moscow
Lay aside all your affairs, make haste to prayer in church without laziness; don’t say, “We’ll pray at home,” for such prayer means nothing without church prayer.
Oksana Golovko
Anyone who thinks about what modern icons should be like and who studies icon painting should definitely visit the exhibition of Alexander Sokolov’s works.
Ariadna Nefedkina
Lent is a “preparatory course” of earthly life that teaches us the skills of patience and humility before meeting the Risen Christ.
St. John of Kronstadt
For the Heavenly King needs our souls and bodies pure and adorned with virtues, and not magnificently decorated houses, not colorful banners, but a variety of virtues according to each man’s ability and condition; not brightly burning lights, but our souls brightly burning with faith and love.