Archimandrite Alypy (Voronov)
So, let’s be humble, cut off all pride and the desire to rule, and then we will be saved with God’s help. Amen.
Metropolitan Serafim (Joanta) of Germany and Central Europe
Death and the resurrection with Christ are not just a moment we experience in Baptism, but a process that continues throughout our lives. In essence,
St. Seraphim (Chichagov)
That we might not perish, we must cleave with all our heart and all our thoughts to our Lord Jesus Christ, for no one can do anything worthy of salvation if he doesn’t abide in Him.
Fr. James Guirguis
The Lord Jesus tells us that the one who does not forgive another is essentially putting that person into a type of prison.
Through Jesus Christ, men were reunited with the eternal God and received eternal life. No matter how much they try to twist and distort God’s law, the eternal death of human souls has been destroyed, and eternal life is inevitable! Eternal life is knowing the one true God and Jesus Christ Whom He sent.
How infinitely far they are from understanding the true glory and majesty of the mother of a family who raises her son in truth, in selflessness, and in obedience, instilling in his heart unshakable faith and a living, active love for God and men as the foundation of life, Christianity, virtues, strength, and patriotism.
Priest Anthony Rusakevich
From people who are not church-goers or are far from Christianity one complaint against the Orthodox Church is an outsider’s lack of understanding of the service in general and some prayers in particular. We often hear such questions as: “Why can’t I pray in my own words, but have to God through other people’s texts?”
The spiritual life requires gradual growth, as in any other kind of life, but even more careful, for spiritual strength increases only in proportion to our own labors and depends on the strengthening of virtues and the development of purity of heart.
Archpriest Gregory Dyachenko
This is why devout Christians constantly carry the most holy name of our Savior in their hearts and on their lips.
The devil, the tempter, commanded the recluse Nikita to read books and abandon prayer. From this, it is clear that the devil cannot endure Christian prayer.
The man had brought his unfortunate son to the disciples to cast out the evil spirit, but their failure only provoked ridicule from the scribes.
Julia Balayants
The Gospel is a very honest Book; it demands honesty from us in our relationships with God, others, and ourselves.
Hieromonk Athanasius (Deryugin)
Our saints strove to ensure that the Liturgy never ceased, even when there were a minimum of possible external conditions for this.
Archimandrite Iachint (Unciuleac)
Today the tongue, most tireless in prayer, which so many times conversed with angels, named the Son of God and revealed ineffable mysteries, has stopped speaking.
Fr. Lawrence Farley
Our culture has a great interest indeed in saying that a woman can do any job that a man can do and so liberal Orthodox bowing down to secular culture reject the exclusion of women from the priesthood.
God is our life, our strength, our Judge!
St. Nikolai (Velimirovic)
All that our Lord Jesus Christ did, He did for our edification and salvation. For He came to earth in order to teach us not only with words, but by deeds, events, and by His every gesture and movement.
We don’t see Jesus Christ, but we feel and are clearly aware that He is our sole hope, our only joy, our one salvation, and without Him we can only be unhappy, powerless, perishing, and deprived of truth, righteousness, justice, and goodness.
Archpriest George Zavershinsky
It’s impossible for man to see God. But the Son Whom He sent utters Divine words in human language and reveals God’s truth about being in this world.
You can glorify God not so much with the creation of your own hands—with the beautiful interior of churches, icons, and vestments—as with an inner spiritual response, feeling God’s presence where His voice is heard.