Istanbul: The View of a Bulgarian Theologian

Vasilianna Merheb

Source: Orthodox England

October 26, 2018


On October 11, 2018, after the Istanbul Synodal decisions, inspired by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, we were witness to an unprecedented coup attempt against the sacred canons and statutes of the Holy Orthodox Church through sole claims.

Obviously, this is an attempt for an authoritarian jurisdictional dictatorship, where the Orthodox Church is placed in an emergency situation, because the true face of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was finally and conclusively revealed (as well as his geo-religious ambitions).

After the announced anti-procedural synodal decisions, the Ecumenical Patriarchate fell into schism because the canons dictate anathema and excommunication for such serious crimes, which are sanctioned by three Apostolic rules, as well as decisions of several Ecumenical and Local Councils. Istanbul Patriarch Bartholomew, after these synodal decisions, voluntarily united with schismatics anathematized by the Church, namely the so-called Patriarch Filaret (Denisenko) and so-called Archbishop Makarius (Maletisch), who are private persons, that is, civilians excommunicated from the Church, who are not Her members. Accordingly, with its current action, the Istanbul (Ecumenical) Patriarchate itself automatically fell under anathema, that is, subjected itself to a deliberate self-excommunication from the Holy Orthodox Church.

... Read the rest at Orthodox England.

Vasilianna Merheb


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