SKETE: The Movie

Source: Fund4Assistance (YouTube)

August 13, 2019

It took 9 months to make this movie about your First Hierarch – Metropolitan Hilarion.

Two weeks before the deadline (July 7, 2019) Vladyka said five words that were so powerful – they made the videographer delete the whole movie and start over. The Metropolitan said “this is not about me.”

Can you imagine?! Your Metropolitan has spent almost five years building a monastery with his personal assistant Fr. Tikhon and NO ONE knew about it. Then at the last minute he says “this is not about me.”

Vladyka Hilarion is the spiritual leader of ROCOR and if you follow his example you would be contributing to a lasting legacy of building a monastery.

Would you like to help your First Hierarch build a monastery? Go to and donate now to help Vladyka build this monastery.

Filmed and edited by Peter S. Lukianov for the Fund for Assistance to ROCOR.

O Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

Source: Fund4Assistance (YouTube)


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