Hieromonk Nektary (Sokolov)
Finally the day arrived that Marie Madeleine had been so diligently preparing for and what the Lord had guided her to in His all-wise ways was fulfilled.
Many years later she said of this period: “It would have been better for me if I had been in a dark prison for eighteen years instead of living for so many years without faith in Christ.”
With the surgery that skillfully surpasses anything known to the mind of man, the Lord gradually removes from us the tumors of abomination and the metastases of filth, heals the glaucoma of ignorance and impassable stupidity, thus making us who we can and should become—citizens of the Heavenly City.
The future Fr. Theodore stood for an hour and a half at the relics of the saint, then walked away and, completely transformed, said with a radiant face, “Now I understand that we must become Orthodox!”
The source of this spiritual power is here, on Makovets Hill. After all, it is no coincidence that many key events in our history were associated with the Holy Trinity–St. Sergius Lavra, with St. Sergius and with the power that has been poured out through him on our world and the people who come to him.