A Final Correspondence Between Anthony (Frank) Atwood and Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos Before His Execution

Source: Mystatogy

June 7, 2022


Frank Atwood, named Anthony in Baptism, has now been tonsured as a schema monk with the name Fr. Ephraim. He is scheduled to be executed at 10 AM local time today in Arizona. Good Paradise!—OC.

My dear Theological Master

Metropolitan (Elder) Hierotheos,

Good Paradise!!!

About the court. We had the hearing to ask for the pardon (requesting life imprisonment) on May 24th. With optimism, I thought that the probability of success was 1%! Of course, they refused this mercy. In regards to this, the glory of God is victorious!!! Beloved Elder Paisios brought about two dozen monks and nuns, along with over 150 believers who live around the Monastery. Some monks testified to the great inner transfiguration that God has done in me, so the more the "mercy council" and the government tried to make me look bad, the greater my miraculous transfiguration seemed! God has decisively been victorious! ...

Metropolitan Athanasios told me that if God permits my execution, He has accepted my repentance, and I am ready to leave for Paradise. Sarah and I rely on this wise word. For me, I am saddened by my negligence in prayer, and, of course, for Sarah it would be shocking to be alone without me. Please pray for our strength in Christ

Read the rest at Mystatogy.

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