Cypriot Holy Synod: If you want to comment on Church matters, bring it before the Synod

Nicosia, Cyprus, July 14, 2023

Photo: Photo: The hierarchs of the Church of Cyprus are calling on their people to raise issues of concern through the proper channels.

Some people have a tendency to comment on any Church matter, trying to influence the Synod, without fulling understanding the given situation. Thus, the hierarchs invite all to bring matters of concern before the Synod.

The Synodal statement reads:

The Holy Synod addressed the tendency of some individuals to express opinions on any ecclesiastical or theological matter through the media without possessing the necessary knowledge and proper information, and seeking to guide the Holy Synod in every case. It invites anyone who has something to be examined to present it before the Holy Synod. Otherwise, to avoid scandalizing the faithful, they themselves will be called before the Holy Synod to explain and clarify their positions and opinions.

The Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church made a similar statement last month, as did the German Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in May.

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