Indonesia: Orthodox church consecrated on feast of St. Vladimir

Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia, July 31, 2023

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A new Orthodox church was consecrated for the faithful in Indonesia last week.

On Friday, July 28, the feast of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles St. Vladimir the Great, Metropolitan Sergei of Singapore and Southeast Asia and Bishop Pitirim of Jakarta (Moscow Patriarchate) consecrated a church named in honor of the Baptizer of Rus’ in the city of Bekasi, reports the Patriarchal Exarchate of Southeast Asia.

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The Church of St. Vladimir was built with funds donated by Orthodox believers in Indonesia, Russia, and Ukraine. The land for the church was donated by an Indonesia woman in prayerful memory of her husband Vladimir. The iconostasis, icon cases, and liturgical utensils were donated by believers in Russia.

The service on Friday was attended by Orthodox faithful from Indonesia, Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, as well as the Russian and Belarusian ambassadors to Indonesia and local public figures.

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A reliquary with particles of the relics of various saints was gifted to the newly consecrated church.

After the rite of consecration, Met. Sergei celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the St. Vladimir Church.

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According to the Patriarchal Exarchate, the first Russian Orthodox church appeared in Indonesia in the 1920s. Today, there are 25 Russian parishes in Indonesia, served by 40 clerics, most of whom are citizens of Indonesia.

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