Romania: 30th anniversary of first diocese established after fall of communism, 7 hierarchs concelebrate

Slobozia, Ialomița County, Romania, September 25, 2023

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The Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Slobozia and Călărași celebrated its 30th anniversary over the weekend. Seven hierarchs and numerous clergy and believers came together for the festivities.

The diocese was the first to be established after the 1989 revolution that culminated in the fall of communist rule in Romania.

The weekend began with the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Ascension Cathedral in Slobozia on Saturday morning, followed by a memorial parastas celebrated by the local hierarch Bishop Vincențiu for the founders and benefactors of the diocese, including His Holiness Patriarch Teoctist, who was primate of the Romanian Church 30 years ago, the diocese reports.

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The main anniversary Liturgy was celebrated by seven hierarchs of the Romanian Church yesterday morning at the Ascension Cathedral.

His Eminence Archbishop Casian of Lower Danube spoke in his homily about the miraculous catch of fish, the calling of the Disciples, the humility of St. Peter, and the calling of the four brothers to become fishers of men.

At the end of his homily, he presented Bp. Vincențiu of Slobozia with an icon of the Lord Jesus Christ, on behalf of the present hierarchs.

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A three-volume album dedicated to the diocese’s 30th anniversary was also presented.

“These genuine written testimonies about the ecclesiastical life in the Bărăgan region support the idea that the benevolent God, through the hierarchs, priests, and venerable Christians from Ialomița and Călărași, has watched over us with the care of a Father Who loves His children and accompanies them at every step,” the diocese writes.

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