Old Rite church in Erie publishes new English-language Festal Menaion

Erie, Pennsylvania, October 4, 2023

Photo: churchofthenativity.net Photo: churchofthenativity.net     

A new two-volume Festal Menaion was recently published by the Old Rite Church of the Nativity (Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia) in Erie, Pennsylvania.

The church website writes:

This Festal Menaion, was translated by Abbot German Ciuba, from the Church Slavonic version originally printed in 7158 (1650), during the Patriarchate of Patriarch Joseph and the reign of Tsar Alexis, and reprinted at the Transfiguration Poorhouse of Moscow, in the year 7425 (1917 AD).

The new publication includes the texts for the services of the Lord, the Mother of God, and many of the most highly venerated saints, compiling material from the monthly menaia and the Pentecostarion.

Photo: churchofthenativity.net Photo: churchofthenativity.net It is notable that the previous publication of the Festal Menaion, translated by Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) and Mother Mary, contained the texts for nine of the twelve Great Feasts of the Church year, while the new publication includes the texts for more than 50 feasts.

Though the new Festal Menaion was translated from pre-Nikonian texts, it varies little from New Rite usage, thus, it has the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of ROCOR, to be used in all ROCOR parishes.

Met. Nicholas writes:

We thank the parishioners of the Church of the Nativity for their care and zeal for the divine services. They do not simply seek to preserve the ancient tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church as if it were a museum piece, but to make it accessible to generations of the faithful who may no longer know the Russian or Church Slavonic languages, and to draw the souls of those outside the Church to Orthodoxy by means of the sublime beauty and profound theology of its services. May the All-Merciful Saviour bless all who make use of this book to deepen their knowledge of the divine services and their piety in praying them!

See the site of the Old Rite Church of the Nativity for the full table of contents and to order the new publication.

The Church of the Nativity celebrated the 40th anniversary of its restoration of the priesthood in July. Learn more about the church in the article, “The Way We Serve Is Our Means of Communicating With God.”

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