Services resume at Russian church in Sofia

Sofia, November 13, 2023

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Services have resumed at the Russian representation Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Sofia, a month and a half after the former rector was evicted from the country.

Archimandrite Vassian (Zmeev), who served as rector for five years, and another priest and employee of the church were expelled from Bulgaria in late September, having been deemed threats to national security. Fr. Vassian was also banned from entering North Macedonia just days before.

With his expulsion, the church, which is home to the relics of the Holy Hierarch and wonderworker St. Seraphim (Sobolev), was closed, and debates began about who legally owns the church: Bulgaria or the Russian embassy in Sofia, and who was responsible for appointing clerics and reopening the Church: the Bulgarian or Russian Church.

His Holiness Patriarch Neofit of Bulgaria appointed Bulgarian clerics to serve there, but the church never reopened under them. Then, in mid-October, the Russian Holy Synod appointed Archpriest Vladimir Tsychuk (previously serving in Vienna) as the new rector.

On Friday, November 10, the doors of the church reopened and Fr. Vladimir served a moleben of thanksgiving. Many parishioners and embassy employees were present for the event, reports

“Today, under the vaults of this church, we’re gathered by joy,” Fr. Vladimir said. “Once again, thousands of people will be able to come here and, strengthened by the intercession of St. Nicholas of Myra and St. Seraphim of Boguchar, offer their prayers to the Savior and His Most Pure Mother, to touch the inexhaustible source of God’s grace with their hearts.”

Then a moleben was served at the relics of St. Seraphim (Sobolev).

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