New York, March 4, 2024
New York City Mayor Eric Adams declared Monday, February 26, 2024 as Serbian Heritage Day, thereby “signif[ying] a profound respect for Serbian-American relations and acknowledge[ing] the historical contributions of Serbian communities to the social, economic, and cultural fabric of New York City,” reports the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America.
This was the first such day in the history of Serbian-American relations in New York City. His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America was among the numerous dignitaries present at the proclamation.
“The declaration of the Day of Serbian Heritage on February 26 has additional symbolism, considering that on the same day, the Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of Saint Simeon or Stefan Nemanja, the progenitor of the holy line of Nemanjić, the Serbian medieval dynastic family,” the diocese writes.
The ceremony was held in the heart of New York in Bowling Green Park, with the American and Serbian flags being symbolically raised together and the anthems of both countries being sung. The Serbian folklore society Opančići also performed traditional Serbian songs and dances.
The speakers, including Consul General V. Božović, spoke about the role of American Serbs in the development of New York City.
Serbian Heritage Day coincided with the permanent placement of the Serbian flag on the building of the Serbian Consulate General in Manhattan.
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