ROCOR delegation with Kursk Root Icon visiting Serbia

Belgrade, June 14, 2024

Photo: Photo:     

A delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, accompanied by the wonderworking Kursk Root Icon, is currently visiting the Serbian Orthodox Church. The feast of the Ascension, celebrated yesterday, is the Slava (Serbian patronal feast) of the city of Belgrade.

The group, led by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of ROCOR, and including Their Eminences Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany, Archbishops Gabriel of Montreal and Peter of Chicago, Their Graces Bishops Irenei of London and Job of Stuttgart, and other clerics, arrived in Belgrade early on Tuesday morning, June 11, reports ROCOR.

After being greeted at the airport, the Kursk Root Icon was taken to the Serbian Patriarchate. Met. Nicholas later toured the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. Sava. The delegation later met with Serbian hierarchs at the cathedral parish house.

The Kursk Root Icon and St. Justin’s relics. Photo: The Kursk Root Icon and St. Justin’s relics. Photo:     

That evening, the delegation was received by His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije in the Ružica Church in the Belgrade Fortress.

The next day, the relics of the great Serbian saint Justin Popović also arrived in Belgrade from Ćelije. Met. Nicholas and the ROCOR delegation celebrated the Leavetaking of Pascha at the Holy Trinity Church, built by Russian emigres 100 years ago.

That evening, the ROCOR delegation celebrated the All-Night Vigil at Belgrade’s Ascension Church together with Pat. Porfirije and other Serbian hierarchs.

The Divine Liturgy for the feast was celebrated in the same church the next morning. The Serbian Patriarch presided over the feast, augmented by the joy of the presence of the relics of St. Justin and the Kursk Root Icon.

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