Metropolitan Daniil, formerly of Vidin elected new Bulgarian Patriarch

Sofia, June 30, 2024

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On June 30, 2024, in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, elections were held for the new Primate of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, succeeding the late Patriarch Neophyte, who reposed in the Lord on March 13, as reported by

During the voting, which took place in two rounds, the majority of votes (69) from the participants of the Patriarchal Electoral Church Council were cast for Metropolitan Daniel of Vidin. The other two hierarchs on the ballot were Metropolitan Grigoriy of Vratsa, and Metropolitan Gavriil of Lovech.

Following the official announcement of the election results, the newly elected Patriarch Daniel, accompanied by hierarchs of the Bulgarian Church, proceeded to the Patriarchal Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, where the gathered faithful greeted him with loud exclamations of “Axios!” (“He is worthy!”).

In the cathedral, the ceremony of enthroning the elected Patriarch Daniel on the Bulgarian Patriarchal throne began. The inauguration ceremony was attended by representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches, Bulgarian state officials, and a large number of believers.


The Newly Elected Patriarch of Bulgaria, Daniel (born Atanas Trendafilov Nikolov), was born on March 2, 1972, in the city of Smolyan.

He received his primary and secondary education in his hometown and served in the military. In 1996, he began studying English language and literature at the St. Clement of Ochrid University in Sofia, and the following year, he transferred to the Theology Department at the same university.

In 1997, he was accepted as a novice at the Hadzhidimovo Monastery of St. George the Victorious (Nevrokop Diocese of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church) under the spiritual guidance of the late Metropolitan Nathaniel of Nevrokop. On July 8, 1999, he was tonsured as a monk by Bishop Nathaniel, and the next day he was ordained a hierodeacon.

In 2002, he graduated from the Faculty of Theology at St. Clement of Ochrid University.

In 2004, he was assigned to the Rozhen Monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos (Nevrokop Diocese) and was ordained a hieromonk in November of that year.

In 2006, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, on January 20, 2008, he was consecrated as a bishop with the title “Dragovitiy” and appointed vicar of the Metropolitan of Nevrokop.

In 2010, at the request of Metropolitan Joseph of the USA, Canada, and Australia, he was appointed his vicar. Metropolitan Daniil was much loved respected by the flock of the Bulgarian Orthodox Diocese in America, which besides the Bulgarian diaspora included American converts.

On February 4, 2018, he was elected Metropolitan of Vidin.


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