Romanian Church celebrates patron saint of Bucharest: 250th anniversary of his relics arriving in the city

Bucharest, July 16, 2024

Photo: Basilica News Agency Photo: Basilica News Agency     

The Romanian Orthodox Church is celebrating the 250th anniversary of the transfer of the relics of St. Demetrius the New to Bucharest this year.

His relics have been protecting Bucharest since July 13, 1774, when they were removed from the village of Basarabov for protection from the fighting of the Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774. Today, he is honored as the patron saint of the Romanian capital, and every year, there is a week-long pilgrimage around his October 27th feast day.

The Church also launched a 6-week pilgrimage with his relics in March of this year in honor of the anniversary.

The momentous anniversary was celebrated from Wednesday July 10 through Sunday July 14, with daily Liturgies, Vigils, and professions with St. Demetrius’ relics.

Watch the procession on July 13:

The services were attended by hierarchs, clerics, monastics, and thousands of pious faithful.

“Pilgrimage brings God's blessing on the entire city or place of pilgrimage and, at the same time, represents an uplifting occasion for strengthening Christian communion and joy, in the spirit of brotherly love and spiritual growth in piety and holiness, thus following the example of those who have lived a perfect life,” preached His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of Romania.

The Romanian primate also spoke about how the saint has protected Bucharest many times over the centuries, including from plague, drought, and famine.

Photo: Basilica News Agency Photo: Basilica News Agency     

Pat. Daniel was joined by a host of Romanian hierarchs, with His Eminence Metropolitan Naum of Ruse of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church as a special guest. St. Demetrius spent his life on the territory of the Ruse Diocese.

On Saturday, a formal Synodal Act was read in honor of the 250th anniversary of St. Demetrius’ relics arriving in Bucharest, which reads in part:

The history of Romania from the 18th–21st centuries testifies to Saint Demetrius the New as a great miracle worker due to the healings he performed during a quarter of a millennium since God blessed the Romanian people by bringing the relics of Demetrius to Bucharest and their settlement in the Metropolitan Cathedral, which became Patriarchal in 1925.

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