St. Tikhon’s Certificate Program in Prison Ministry Graduates Its First Cohort (+VIDEO)

Source: Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry

Waymart, Pennsylvania, August 5, 2024

The first ever Certificate Program in Prison Ministry, in partnership with Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) and St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (STOTS) graduated its first cohort of students June 16-22, 2024.

The inaugural seven students of the Certificate Program have been remotely learning and reflecting together since February from their own homes and parishes across the United States. But coming together for the culminating residency on the campus of St. Tikhon’s brought a spiritual depth to the experience no one, not even the Certificate Program staff, were fully prepared for.

“We learned a word in our studies this week,” says Joseph Nast, graduate of the Certificate Program. “Synchronicity: the outstanding hand of God.” That’s how Joseph describes his parish priest, Fr. Chrysostom, first learning about the Certificate Program only two days after Joseph asked for help discerning his call to prison ministry.

… Read the rest at Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry.

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