Polish Church celebrates Supraśl Icon of the Mother of God

Supraśl, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland, August 13, 2024

Photo: orthodox.pl Photo: orthodox.pl     

The Polish Orthodox Church commemorates the wonderworking Supraśl Icon of the Mother of God annually on August 9-10. The day is a great feast for the faithful from throughout Poland and abroad, who gather in the thousands at Supraśl Monastery in northeastern Poland.

Many arrived in traditionally organized pilgrimages—on foot from Białystok or by kayak from Gródek, reports the Polish Orthodox Church.

The celebration began with the All-Night Vigil celebrated by the primate of the Polish Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa, concelebrated by eight other Polish hierarchs and a host of clergy.

Photo: orthodox.pl Photo: orthodox.pl     

Before the service, His Beatitude stated:

There was a time when we weren’t supposed to be here. But we’re here, and this is God’s will, which is in us and through us. Therefore, today, on the feast day of the Mother of God in her holy image, which came here from Smolensk, and even earlier from Byzantium, we bring above all ourselves. We bring our prayers of joy, thanksgiving, but also supplicatory prayers. We bring our families, the Church, the homeland, but also the whole world, asking that God, through the intercession of the Mother of God, may grant mankind peace, which is especially needed in our difficult and complex times.

The primate also expressed gratitude for the Polish Church receiving autocephaly 100 years ago.

Services in the monastery lasted all night, including the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion and an Akathist to the Mother of God. An akathist for the reposed was also read at the monastery catacombs.

On the feast day itself, three Divine Liturgies were celebrated, with the main Liturgy celebrated by Met. Sawa and other hierarchs and clergy. Just before the start of the service, the Metropolitan blessed a riza for the Supraśl Icon and a new icon of St. Luke of Crimea.

Photo: orthodox.pl Photo: orthodox.pl     

His Eminence Archbishop Paisjusz of Przemyśl preached about how by praying to the Mother of God, her Divine Son becomes closer to us, and we can pass through the various storms of this world.

After the Liturgy, the traditional procession around the Church of the Annunciation of the Mother of God was held.

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